Daily Encouragement

January 8 – Where Is Sodom and Gomorrah?

Genesis 18:16-19:38
Matthew 6:25-7:14
Psalm 8:1-9
Proverbs 2:6-15

Genesis 19:24 is a sobering verse that warns about God’s wrath against sin. If you’re like me, you’ve wondered where Sodom and Gomorrah were located. As we study the Bible, we often search the internet for information about the topics we’re interested in. There are a lot of “fake news” sites out there, however (not just sensational reporting, but groups that disbelieve the Bible and seek to minimize the multitudes of evidence for the Bible). The best site that I have found for information on Bible archaeology is the Associates for Biblical Research (ABR). ABR believes this is the site of biblical Sodom. They also share their reasoning for why it is the site of Sodom. The Institute for Creation Research’s (ICR) John Morris is sympathetic to their position, as is Dr. Steve Austin.

Some readers are concerned that Genesis 18:21 contradicts the omniscience of God; however, in Genesis 1:1 God created the entire universe from nothing – He made it all. According to Genesis 6:5, God knew what was in the heart of everyone – He saw it all. Yesterday, in Genesis 18:10, God told Abraham what would happen a year in the future – He knows it all. So, if He made it all, saw it all, and knows it all – He is not like a researcher making a trip to investigate a situation. Rather, this is an anthropomorphism (see Baker’s Bible Dictionary for a helpful definition).

It’s kind of like when the President visits a hurricane disaster site. He goes as an anthropomorphism of the US government, i.e. he goes as an agent of the US government. The government already knows what is going on in Puerto Rico, the government is already working on relief, the government doesn’t learn anything new from the visit, and the president’s personal visit isn’t substantively helpful (e.g. he didn’t reconnect power lines). The visit is merely symbolic to show the residents that the government knows, cares, and wants to help.

Matthew 6:33 was my grandfather’s favorite verse – today we might call it his “life verse.” When we get our priorities right, God takes care of our needs and ofttimes a lot of our wants. Unfortunately, Matthew 7:1 is the life verse of many people today.

Matthew 7:12 From Earl Martin (Therefore All Things):

Psalm 8 helps us realize how little we have to boast of, but how great our God is that He loves us! Psalm 8 was probably the inspiration for “How Majestic is Thy Name” by Patch the Pirate.

Proverbs 2:6-8 shares the blessings of listening to the Lord. If you don’t have a Bible journaling system, perhaps make a log this year of what God does for us. He gives wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and sound wisdom – He is a buckler, and He keeps paths, preserves our way, and much, much more!

Share how reading through the Bible has been a blessing to you! E-mail us at 2018bible@vcyamerica.org or call and leave a message at 414-885-5370.

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