Daily Encouragement

March 4 – Configuration of the Tribes

Numbers 2:1-3:51
Mark 11:27-12:17
Psalm 47:1-9
Proverbs 10:24-25

Numbers 2:2 — What was the configuration of the tribes? Some say it was in the shape of a cross …

While others say it was more of a circle …

Numbers 3:39, 43, 46, 47, and 50 — Throughout history God has used people of various professions. Even accountants can be used for precise work in God’s service!

Mark 12:12 — Everything works for God’s plan, even fear of the crowds!

Psalm 47 — We see a repetition format of synonymous parallelism:

  1. clap/shout
  2. terrible*/great
  3. people/nations
  4. inheritance/excellency
  5. shout/trumpet
  6. God/King
  7. (no easily discernible parallelism)
  8. reigneth/sitteth
  9. princes/people

*Most people associate terrible with “extremely or distressingly bad,” but it also is “causing or likely to cause terror.” There is a healthy fear of the Lord that is the beginning of wisdom!

Proverbs 10:24 — In contrast to the fear of the Lord, Proverbs warns about the fear of the wicked.

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