1 Chronicles 4:5-5:17
Acts 25:1-27
Psalm 5:1-12
Proverbs 18:19
1 Chronicles 4:10 — The prayer of Jabez lay in relative obscurity for many years until Bruce Wilkinson wrote a small book on this verse and sold nine million copies. While many have their own definitions of what it means to enlarge their coasts, and the prophets of profit focus on the financial, may we pray more importantly to be kept from evil and that God’s hand would be with us. If we keep ourselves from evil and if God’s hand is with us, we will have all the blessings we need.
1 Chronicles 4:43 — As has been noticed in our YouVersion group, the Amalekites caused many problems for the Israelites since Saul disobeyed the LORD’s command in 1 Samuel 15:18.

Acts 25:11 — It’s interesting that Paul expressed no reservations to the death penalty, even when it might have been applied to him personally! God had told Paul that he would be sent to Rome, and now the Roman empire makes sure that the Roman citizen appeals to Caesar in Rome!
Psalm 5:8 — The Psalmist, like Jabez, realized that God’s blessing comes:
- when you cry to the LORD (Psalm 5:2-3)
- when you abstain from evil (Psalm 5:4-6)
- when you follow the LORD (Psalm 5:7-8)
- then God will bless the righteous (Psalm 5:12)
Proverbs 18:19 — Let us live peaceably then with all men (Romans 12:18)!
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