1 Chronicles 11:1-12:18
Acts 28:1-31
Psalm 9:1-12
Proverbs 19:1-3
1 Chronicles 11:2-3 — The beginning of the Davidic reign is marked by:
- The promise from the LORD God that David would rule,
- A covenant between the elders of Israel and David in Hebron, and
- The fulfillment of Samuel’s declaration of the Word of the LORD.
The nation of Israel was not an accident, but a fulfillment of the Word of the LORD. As David stayed near the LORD, the LORD blessed David (1 Chronicles 11:9), saved his mighty men (1 Chronicles 11:14), and received the offering of the mighty men (1 Chronicles 11:18).
1 Chronicles 11:41 — As we walk through the halls of the Davidic Museum in Chronicles, we look at the exploits of the warriors who trusted David and David’s LORD and won many battles. But in this Hall of Fame, we see the name of Uriah the Hittite, and our memories are triggered by the warning of the courtier in 2 Samuel 11:3.
1 Chronicles 12:1 — Ziklag, the small town on the frontier of the border with the Philistines, was the headquarters of David’s government-in-exile. In this passage we have the roll call of those willing to break with Saul, even those of Saul’s brethren, the tribe of Benjamin (1 Chronicles 12:2). We also must be willing to give up our tribal loyalty for loyalty to the Word of the LORD.

Acts 28:6 — Paul puts no faith in the opinion of the crowds. He had preached the gospel in Lystra and went from being a curiosity (Acts 14:7) to being worshipped (Acts 14:11) to being stoned (Acts 14:19) … all in the span of a few verses!
Remember, though, even Paul’s LORD had the multitudes shouting “Hosanna!” (Matthew 21:9) one day, and then less than a week later shouting “Crucify!” (Matthew 27:22)
Acts 28:14 — Interesting that the soldiers who earlier wanted to kill Paul (Acts 27:42) were now allowing Paul to spend a week with his fellow cultists (from their perspective) in Puteoli (Acts 28:13).
Acts 28:23 — Some preachers today say that we need to “unhitch” ourselves from the Old Testament. Paul used the Old Testament as a bridge to bring his beloved fellow Israelites to faith in his LORD Jesus, the Messiah.
Acts 28:31 — The history of the Church ends with Paul preaching Jesus. May our lives end on the same note!
Psalm 9:3 — Yes, the psalmist tells what has happened to Paul. His enemies were turned back from their purposes of killing him (Acts 27:42) and from their judgment of him (Acts 28:4). The LORD was Paul’s refuge (Psalm 9:9), and Paul put his trust in the LORD (Psalm 9:10). At every opportunity he sought to share the name of the LORD with the Israelites of Rome and so declared His doings (Psalm 9:11).
Proverbs 19:1 — Yes, riches are enjoyable but better to be poor with integrity.
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