Daily Encouragement

September 6 – The Book of Romance

Song of Solomon 1:1-4:16
2 Corinthians 8:16-24
Psalm 50:1-23
Proverbs 22:22-23

Song of Solomon 1:1 — You’re more likely to hear a message from Ephesians than from the Song of Solomon. But there is value to this book! As part of my premarital counseling, my pastor gave me Tommy Nelson’s video set on the Song of Solomon. You can listen for free to the sermon set at his church’s website. Models of courtship vary from family to family and church to church, so don’t think this is a substitute for your own family and church. Tommy does a good job at explaining a very confusing book. In addition to Tommy’s interpretation, though, there is one other perspective of the Song of Solomon you should be aware of. Myron Kauk believes in the “three character hypothesis” which argues that “(t)he main characters in the story include King Solomon, a shepherd girl, and her beloved shepherd, who is understood to be someone separate from the king.” Our study will not follow this interpretation.

The same God who has given us everything pertaining to life and godliness, the same God who calls us to righteousness, holiness, and a life without compromise, the same God who forgives sin and guides those who seek wisdom, this same God is the foremost expert on your need for romance, your sex drive, and your future or current marriage. Based on what He knows about us and desires for us, He has provided an instruction manual so that we might truly live with the joy and intensity of satisfaction that He created us to experience. That instruction manual of God is the book of the Bible titled the Song of Solomon.

Introduction to The Book of Romance by Tommy Nelson

Song of Solomon 1:2-3 — I’ll be borrowing from Tommy Nelson’s thoughts because he’s done a great job at expositing this book. In the first couple of verses, we see the physical attraction and the spiritual attraction. “Thy name” is the same as a person’s reputation.

Song of Solomon 1:6 — She is sunburned from diligently working in the fields (see Proverbs 31:13).

Song of Solomon 1:7 — Nelson points out that she refuses to be one of the prostitutes who “turneth aside by the flocks;” he holds her up as a model of a woman of conviction.

Song of Solomon 2:1 — Nelson shows how Solomon’s love for the woman raised her self-esteem (Song of Solomon 1:6).

Song of Solomon 2:4 — Many in church history who were bothered by the vivid language used in this book have interpreted this as an allegory of Christ’s love for His church. Thus, this verse has been incorporated into a classic junior church song:

Song of Solomon 2:15 — Romance is not just about vague generalities; a commitment to dealing with details (little foxes) is necessary.

Song of Solomon 3:7 — The wedding bed approaches – Nelson shares these stats about marriage:

  • 80% of couples that shack up before marriage end up splitting up
  • 60% of marriages by a justice of the peace end up divorcing
  • 40% of marriages in a church end up in divorce
  • Only 1 of 1,156 couples that pray together on a daily basis end up in divorce

The problem is that as few as 11% of American couples pray together on a daily basis outside of meals, even though over 25% identify as Evangelical Protestant.

Song of Solomon 4:1-7 — It’s okay to compliment your bride! As a newly married husband, one of the challenges to remember is not to take her for granted!

Song of Solomon 4:16 — As Solomon is consummating his marriage, this is a helpful reminder that sex outside of marriage is strongly warned against throughout the New Testament (1 Corinthians 6:18-20, Hebrews 13:4, Galatians 5:19-21, Revelation 21:8)!

2 Corinthians 8:16 — We’ll read Paul’s letter to Titus soon, but it’s obvious that Paul highly values his heart for the ministry!

2 Corinthians 8:20 — As Christians, we must strive to be blameless in all aspects of life, including our financial dealings. If you need examples of financial safeguards, go back and look at Ezra!

Psalm 50:4 — We’ve seen several reminders lately that God will judge His people.

Psalm 50:15 — God doesn’t desire sacrifice as much as He desires us to call upon Him! Let’s spend time with Him in prayer!

Proverbs 22:23 — O.J. Simpson’s legal team were legends: Johnnie Cochran, Robert Shapiro, Robert Kardashian. But the greatest advocate in history is the one who pleads the cause of the poor (James 2:16).

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