Genesis 16:1-18:15
Matthew 6:1-24
Psalm 7:1-17
Proverbs 2:1-5

Genesis 18:2 — Although we’re a week into Genesis, if you’re looking to see the overall structure of the book, Through The Bible with J. Vernon McGee has been making available notes and outlines on each book (including Genesis) for many years. If you wondered if Genesis 18:2 has a reference to the Trinity, what a great opportunity to check some commentaries!
Commentaries are by no means inspired, much less infallible. Some are written by people who deny the inspiration of the Bible – which never really made sense to me. Why would you spend your life studying a book you don’t believe in? Checking multiple commentaries is helpful to see what arguments are made for and against an idea, especially when they cross-reference another Scripture – as Gill did in pointing to John 5:37. Gill argues that this passage proves that Genesis 18 does not refer to the Trinity.
Matthew 6:21 is quite convicting – where are you laying up treasure?
Psalm 7:11 is one of the earliest references we have seen yet this year to the specific doctrine of the wrath of God. We’ve seen God’s wrath exemplified in Genesis, but a focus on it as a teaching has been absent. When we get to Romans 3:25 we can discuss the difference between propitiation and expiation.
Proverbs 2 — Do you think Solomon believes that understanding the fear of the LORD is a casual endeavor?
By the way – the links provided in this devotional are not endorsements but resources that I’ve found helpful. There’s only one book that I’ll endorse 100% without reservation, and that’s the book we’re reading through this year!
Share how reading through the Bible has been a blessing to you! E-mail us at or call and leave a message at 414-885-5370.
I am using the MacArthur Daily Bible, which covers OT, NT and Psalms and Proverbs, but I am a couple days behind the schedule the emails are talking about. Kind of confused as to how this could be so far off. Disappointing, because your notes are days ahead of my reading.
Hi Mary, different Bible Reading Plans work differently – some split chapters, some don’t…. Whatever plan you use to read thru the Bible – as long as you’re reading the bible you’re succeeding!