Genesis 32:13-34:31
Matthew 11:7-30
Psalm 14:1-7
Proverbs 3:19-20
We’re in the second half of the first month of this journey!
Genesis 32:14-19 — We’re in the middle of a dramatic scene. Jacob had lied to his father and cheated his brother Esau out of the blessing of his father. Earlier this month we saw the liar Jacob being “out-lied” by his uncle Laban. He’s learned his lesson. Now he’s seeking reconciliation. This is an expensive reconciliation, but God is blessing his self-sacrificial reconciliation with a new name.
Genesis 32:26 — The Pulpit Commentary says Jacob “sought to obtain from him the blessing which he had previously stolen from his aged father by craft.”
Genesis 33:30 — Jacob realized in yesterday’s passage that his family is far from devout (stealing idols), but now he’s determined to change his family’s theology by committing himself publicly. Just as Grandpa Abraham did (Genesis 12:7), Jacob built an altar to El-Elohe-Israel. God – not just any god but the Creator God (Genesis 1:1 uses the word Elohim) of Israel – He is my God now! By the way, Bodie Hodge of Answers in Genesis (AiG) has a great article on the names for God. But in the next chapter (Genesis 34), we see Jacob’s kids inherited his sin nature and are practicing it more than their father’s newly exemplified faith.

Matthew 11 — Yesterday we read about doubting John, but Jesus’ compassion rings out – “there hath not risen a greater than John!” But the least of the Kingdom will be greater than John!
Matthew 11:23 — I’m glad you’re reading God’s Word in its entirety this year, but this verse is a sober warning for you. If you have more exposure to God, you have more responsibility. God rained down fire and brimstone on Sodom, but says it will be worse for those who don’t know Jesus personally. Jesus alternates from warning of eternal judgment to offering rest for your soul. There’s no middle way with Him.
Psalm 14:1 — Ray Comfort says April 1 is National Atheists’ Day.
Psalm 14:3 sounds a theme we will see in Romans 3.
Proverbs 3:19-20 — This wisdom seems pretty powerful. Let’s keep seeking it as we continue reading!
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