Genesis 35:1-36:43
Matthew 12:1-21
Psalm 15:1-5
Proverbs 3:21-26
Thanks to Dexter Penwell for pointing this out:
One thing that I should add for help in understanding Genesis is that it is not chronological. For instance, Jacob and Esau were 15 years old when Abraham died. So, they probably learned first hand from Abraham about God’s promise to him. Isaac was alive for several years after Joseph was sold into Egypt. So, he also would have mourned the loss of Joseph … I also added things up one year, and Shem was still alive when Abraham moved to the land of Canaan. But, without going through the calculations again, I do not remember how old Abraham was when Shem died.
Genesis 35:1-3 — Yesterday, Jacob was in deep trouble. His kids murdered an entire town seeking revenge. This is one of the few times we see the correct pattern of how to handle problems (we’ll see many examples of the wrong way). Jacob listened. Jacob repented. Jacob obeyed. God blessed.
Genesis 35:20 — Rachel dies and is buried in Bethlehem Ephratah (Genesis 48:7). Jeremiah 31:15 talks about her weeping for the children. Micah 5:2 mentions this place (Bethlehem Ephratah) and says something big will happen there! Note especially Genesis 35:21 where it talks about the “tower of Edar” – this is the Migdal Eder of Micah 4:8! If you’ve seen Quentin Road Baptist Church’s 2018 Christmas Program – they talk about it at the 23 minute mark!
The Jewish group “Friends of Rachel’s Tomb” has some interesting history and many ancient photos of the structure referred to today as Rachel’s Tomb. Unfortunately, this site’s history prior to the Byzantines is unknown (compare the history of the Cave of the Patriarchs), so we don’t know if it is the actual site, but we know that Rachel was buried in this region.
Genesis 36 — J. Vernon McGee discusses this chapter as God’s pointing out the “rejected line” and then dismisses it – similar to the line of Cain vs. the line of Seth that we read earlier this month.
Matthew 12:6 — If you’re looking for a journal topic through the Gospels, read what Jesus said about Himself. Sometimes people think of Jesus as just a good teacher, or sometimes they write songs that Jesus is like a “boyfriend.” While Jesus was an amazing teacher and loves us more than anyone else can, He is great, greater than the temple (vs. 6), greater than the Sabbath (vs. 8), and greater than the curse (vs. 13).
Psalm 15 — God expects a change in His people! God lives in a holy heaven (vs. 1) and cannot tolerate sin. The good news is that all we have to do to go to heaven is be perfect. The bad news is that nobody is perfect.
Proverbs 3:21-26 — I enjoy leading tour groups – most of the time on a tour I’m not telling people something “hidden;” I’m just making sure they don’t miss something in plain sight! Solomon shared yesterday the creationary power of wisdom, and he has to remind his son, “Don’t let it go!” Can you count today the blessings of wisdom? God’s way is always better than our way! Like Jacob: listen to God, repent, obey, and be blessed.
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