Genesis 41:17-42:17
Matthew 13:24-46
Psalm 18:1-15
Proverbs 4:1-6
People ask, “Should Christians get involved in politics?” I point out that there are two books of the Bible called Kings and two more called the Chronicles of the Kings. Genesis 41:25 – God had a message for a politician in Egypt. Genesis 41:46 reveals an interesting fact – Joseph was about the same age as Jesus (Luke 3:23) when his ministry began. Also, did you notice the parallel between Genesis 42:8 and John 1:10-11? There are some sermons on that show how Joseph was a picture of Christ. By the way, if you’re looking for more info on a passage, checking will show you some of the most popular sermons on a passage. One final note about Joseph – though Joseph was in Egypt and Pharoah gave him an Egyptian wife of cultic pedigree (Genesis 41:45), Joseph did not name his children Egyptian names. He gave them Hebrew names (Genesis 41:51-52). While you may be in Egypt, don’t let Egypt get into you!
Matthew 13:30 — Jesus has talked about hell several times already in Matthew (Matthew 5:22, 5:29, 5:30, 10:28, 11:23). Now, He talks about burning tares (Matthew 13:40). The children of the wicked one will be gathered and burned. I hate to use the word “sobering” so often, but when we compare reading Scripture to the amusements (literally, “a” = ”no” & “muse” = “thinking”; the word literally means “non-thinking”) of today, we have serious words to pay attention to (Matthew 13:42). “And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.” If you knew that and believed that, shouldn’t you say something? Do we think hell is real? Do we think heaven is a “pearl of great price” that we are willing to sell all that we have for it (Matthew 13:46)?
Matthew 13:31-33 — Thanks to Dexter Penwell for providing this helpful insight:
“In the parable of the mustard seed, there are 2 varieties of mustard plants in Israel. The more common is a small bush that grows 2 to 3 feet tall. So, that growing into a tree that the birds lodge in would be an abnormal monstrosity. The other type is a wild mustard plant that is more like a sunflower. It grows tall, but only has leaves coming out from the main stem. Again, that is not like a tree. What Jesus is saying is that the mustard plant grows into a monstrosity where the servants of Satan lodge. In the parable of the leaven, in all the times that leaven is used symbolically in the Bible, this is the only place where people try to portray it as being good, that it is a sign of the church growing. However, that does not match with all the times in the OT and NT where leaven is used as a symbol of sin. And, the woman is hiding it in the dough. The 3 measures of flour imply the fellowship offering which uses unleavened cakes. So again, it is sin in the church. In this case, sin being hidden in the church.”
Matthew 13:44-46 — While some use this to talk about the value of salvation, others point out the eschatological nature of salvation:
“First, we do not sell all we have to purchase our salvation. In the parable of the soils, the field was the earth. Jesus gave up all to come to earth to purchase the church, and, he will come again to take us to be with Him … (Look at the) parable of the pearl of great price. The church elsewhere is described as gems. So, if Jesus is put in as the man, Jesus gave up all to purchase the church. The church grows in times of persecution, similar to how the pearl develops because of an irritant getting inside the oyster. And, like the church, it is taken from the place that it grows to become a jewel of adornment.”
Dexter Penwell
Psalm 18:1-3 — Take a sheet of paper and make a list of who the Lord is. Or if you’re already building in your journal a biography of God, add these attributes to the list. Psalm 18:3 and 18:46 (we’ll get there day after tomorrow!) have been recorded in song – if you haven’t heard this classic, it’s a great way to hide these two verses in your heart!
Proverbs 4:4 — Keeping the commandments is not misery. They are life. Have you noticed that Solomon seems to think wisdom is important? Genesis has given us an interesting look at people who have or have not been wise.
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