Genesis 48:1-49:33
Matthew 15:29-16:12
Psalm 20:1-9
Proverbs 4:20-27
Genesis 48:5 — Jacob is claiming Joseph’s sons Ephraim and Manasseh. When we get to the long genealogies (I Chronicles 5:1-2), we’ll see how the birthright that belonged to Judah went to Ephraim and Manasseh.

Genesis 48:18-19 — Joseph is correcting his dad about who deserves the birthright – an interesting echo of what Jacob did to his father in Genesis 27.
Genesis 49:10 — The scepter is spoken of by Balaam (Numbers 24:17) and the psalmists (Psalm 60:7, 108:8). Shiloh is a difficult term; even commentators admit it’s hard to be certain. It seems to refer to the promised seed to Eve.
Matthew 15:30-31 — Pay attention to these verses; when we come to the trial of Jesus, this would be exhibit A in the defense of Jesus of Nazareth. Why? Check Isaiah 35:4-6!
Matthew 15:33 — Remember what we read two days ago? An interesting echo of Matthew 14:17. The disciples failed the lesson two days ago, and they look like they failed the quiz Jesus gave them today.
Thankfully Jesus, the Great Teacher, addressed the learning problem the disciples had in Matthew 16:8.
Psalm 20:7 — There is a chorus based on this verse – I trust you will be blessed by this as I was!
Proverbs 4:20-27 — Engage your ears, eyes, mouth, lips, and feet so you can keep your heart!
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