Daily Encouragement

December 25 – Prophecies of Jerusalem

Zechariah 8:1-23
Revelation 16:1-21
Psalm 144:1-15
Proverbs 30:29-31

On this day that many people celebrate the birth of Jesus, feel free to go back and read Luke 2 or Matthew 2 with your family!

Jimmy DeYoung Jr. teaching on the Mount of Olives, overlooking Jerusalem (author’s photo)

Zechariah 8:3 — Over 2,000 years after Zechariah wrote these words about Jerusalem, it is still a controversial city!

  • The LORD is jealous for Jerusalem (Zechariah 8:2)
  • The LORD will dwell in Jerusalem (Zechariah 8:3)
  • Old men and young boys will dwell there (Zechariah 8:4-5)
  • Jews will return to Jerusalem (Zechariah 8:8)
  • The Temple will be built (Zechariah 8:9)
  • God will bless the people of Jerusalem (Zechariah 8:12)
  • The Jews in Jerusalem will be a blessing (Zechariah 8:13)
  • Fasting will be joy (Zechariah 8:19)
  • Gentiles will seek the LORD in Jerusalem (Zechariah 8:22)

Zechariah 8:16 — Truth and Peace! As we’ve shown for the last few days, Jesus is the peace, and Jesus is the Truth (John 14:6)!

Zechariah 8:22 — In John 12:21, certain of the Greeks approached Philip and said, “We would see Jesus!” Yes, many people came to seek the LORD in Jerusalem, and once again they will come!

Zechariah 8:23 — We haven’t seen that happen yet – antisemitism is on the rise globally.

Revelation 16:1 — Sores, blood seas, blood rivers, scorching fire, darkness – notice the similarities between the Ten Plagues of Egypt: sores/boils (Plagues 5 & 6), water to blood (Plague 1), fire – fiery hail (Plague 7), darkness (Plague 9).

Revelation 16:12 — The way of the kings of the East. Some commentaries discuss whether or not it refers to the 200-million-man army of Revelation 9:16. If so, the Chinese army is rumored to be around 200 million men. Others believe that it’s a demonic army.

Revelation 16:15 — This is the fifth time that the LORD describes His coming as a thief. In 1 Thessalonians 5:2, 1 Thessalonians 5:4, 2 Peter 3:10, Revelation 3:3, Revelation 16:15, the coming is described as a thief, yet even some pre-tribulational experts say this refers to the Second Coming, not the Rapture.

Revelation 16:21 — Instead of repenting, the men blaspheme God. It’s been said that the same sun that melts butter, hardens clay.

Psalm 144:1 — The Psalmist is thankful to the LORD for His offensive capability. In the next verse, he’s thankful for His defensive protection (fortress, tower, deliverer, shield).

Psalm 144:8 — We just read in Revelation 16:21 that God will be judging those who blaspheme.

Psalm 144:15 — Are you happy?

Proverbs 30:31 — A king without insurrection … ahhh … Rehoboam would have longed for that (1 Kings 12:16)!

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Daily Encouragement

December 24 – The Branch Is King & Priest?

Zechariah 6:1-7:14
Revelation 15:1-8
Psalm 143:1-12
Proverbs 30:24-28

On this day that many spend meditating on the coming of the Messiah – we’ll see an important truth about His Second Coming!

Zechariah 6:1 — Sometimes in Zechariah we notice similar motifs in Revelation, but they have different meanings. In Zechariah, the horses were designated for directions, while in Revelation 6:1-8, they are seen visualizing consequences (conquest, war, famine, death).

Zechariah 6:12 — Jimmy DeYoung sees this passage as talking about the Millennium:

Messiah’s Temple is the “House of Worship” that will stand in Jerusalem in the Kingdom, a physical Kingdom yet to come, in the 1,000 year period following the return of Jesus Christ back to earth. Verse 12 reveals that Jesus Christ, the “Branch”, is the one who will build this Millennial Temple.

The “Branch” is the name for Jesus in the Old Testament, which can be found in Isaiah 4:2, Jeremiah 33:15, Zechariah 3:8 and here in our key verse for our devotional reading today, verse 12.


The key to this passage is noticing that the Branch will have a throne, will be a priest, and will be peace (Zechariah 6:13). A throne means a civil ruler like Zerubbabel (in Zechariah’s day), a type of David. A king was forbidden from being a priest (StackExchange.com notes the priesthood was restricted to Levi, while the kingship was restricted to Judah). Uzziah as king attempted to offer a sacrifice (2 Chronicles 26:16), and was cursed with leprosy (2 Chronicles 26:19-21).

What man could be both King and Priest? The Branch is The Peace, and as we showed earlier, that man is Jesus! In the Millennium, He will build the Ezekiel Temple.

Zechariah 7:9 — What is the message that the LORD sent? Quite similar to the message in Micah 6:8 – do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly.

Zechariah 7:10 — Why is God concerned about the widow, fatherless, stranger, and the poor? God commands protection of the widow and fatherless (Exodus 22:22), states that He executes judgment for the fatherless and widow (Deuteronomy 10:18), and curses those who pervert the judgment of the stranger, fatherless, and widow (Deuteronomy 27:19). God is a “father of the fatherless, and a judge of the widows (Psalm 68:5).” “He relieveth the fatherless and widow (Psalm 146:9).”

The widow, fatherless, stranger, and poor are often taken advantage of, especially by those who use “false balances (Proverbs 11:1).” God demonstrates His power not by helping the rich get richer but by making the weak strong (2 Corinthians 12:10).

Zechariah 7:12 — As we read in Hebrews 3:8, “harden not your hearts!”

Revelation 15:3-4 — Patch the Pirate’s song “Great and Marvelous” is based on these verses!

Revelation 15:7-8 — God’s wrath is tied to God’s glory.

Psalm 143:10 — We need God to teach us to do His will! Let’s pray for God’s instruction!

Proverbs 30:25 — Solomon talked about the ant back in Proverbs 6:6 as a wise creature. What’s the lesson from these four creatures?

Are you as smart as a coney? Wise Agur used four small creatures to teach his students great wisdom (Pr 30:1,24). The ants prudently save for the future (Pr 30:25). The locusts know the power of numbers (Pr 30:27). The spider by diligence goes where most cannot (Pr 30:28). The conies wisely avoid risk and loss by choosing safe and strong protection.


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Daily Encouragement

December 23 – Candlesticks, Olive Trees, Ephahs and More!

Zechariah 4:1-5:11
Revelation 14:1-20
Psalm 142:1-7
Proverbs 30:21-23

This menorah built for the Temple by the Temple Institute, is similar to the Menorah Zechariah saw.

Zechariah 4:6 — Joshua was the religious leader, a high priest, and is known for his robes, but they were dirty. Zerubbabel was the civil leader, a military general, and is told that “not by might nor by power, but by my spirit.” The man with beautiful robes can’t trust in his robes. The leader of a great military force can’t trust in his might.

Zechariah 4:10 — ”The day of small things,” especially as we see lampstands referring to churches in Revelation 1:20. This verse has a great challenge to every new church that starts with just a handful of people, in a rented storefront, and/or with a tentmaker/part-time pastor. Maybe to outsiders it looks like God is doing greater things at the church down the road, but God’s reward to those new ministries is not based on “might” or “power” but on faithfulness!

Zechariah 4:14 — Who are the anointed ones? We read about them in Revelation 11:4 – Moses & Elijah who represent the Law and the Prophets. What does the New Testament tell us about the Law and the Prophets?

  • The Golden Rule is the Law and the Prophets (Matthew 7:12)
  • On the Two Great Commandments hang the Law and the Prophets (Matthew 22:40)
  • The Law and the Prophets were until John the Baptist (Luke 16:16)
  • The Law and the Prophets did write of Jesus (John 1:45)
  • The righteousness of God without the law is witnessed by the Law and the Prophets (Romans 3:21)

Zechariah 5:3 — What is cursed? The violators of the Eighth Commandment and the Third Commandment. Some commentators think this 450 square foot flying scroll is the Ten Commandments (1 command from each side of the Tablets). At those dimensions (30’x15′), it is larger than the average hotel room (13’x25′) – the Law will overwhelm the house of the sinner (Zechariah 5:4).

Hebrew dry measures, Hebrew liquid measures – Matson Photograph Collection – Library of Congress

Zechariah 5:6 — What’s going on here? The Law has gone forth, and the ephah (a container holding about 9 gallons) has a woman in it symbolizing wickedness (a Proverbs 7-type woman, not a Proverbs 31-type woman). A lead lid was put on the ephah, keeping the wickedness in. Two women take the ephah away to Shinar/Babylon (Genesis 10:10) – land of Nimrod (Genesis 11:2) – tower of Babel (Daniel 1:2) – palace of Nebuchadnezzar. Yes, a land of wickedness will be based in Babylon (Revelation 17:5).

Matthias Gerung, The Triumph of the Lamb, the Fall of Babylon

Revelation 14:7 — Why should God be worshipped? He is the Creator. If God created us, then we are responsible to Him. That is why people in modern times try to flip that reality and argue that we created God. Their whole objective is to avoid any responsibility before Him.

Revelation 14:8 — The angel is proclaiming judgment against Babylon (the land of Shinar) that we just read about (Zechariah 5:11).

Revelation 14:10 — For those who believe the God of the New Testament is all about love as compared to the God of the Old Testament, they should have a problem with this verse. God IS love, but God is also just. Let’s warn people to avoid the wrath of God!

Psalm 142:3 — When I’m overwhelmed, I can trust the LORD! As Job says in Job 23:10, “But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.” Not only that, but He prays for us when we don’t know what to pray (Romans 8:26)! “Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.”

Proverbs 30:22 — Is the Bible promoting class separation? No. Solomon says a man that isn’t diligent should not be ruling (Proverbs 22:29).

The odious woman seems analogous to the contentious woman of Proverbs 27:15 … for a man who had 700 wives (1 Kings 11:3), he probably had some good advice on what women to avoid!

Share how reading through the Bible has been a blessing to you! E-mail us at 2018bible@vcyamerica.org or call and leave a message at 414-885-5370.

Daily Encouragement

December 22 – The Mark of the Beast Is Coming!

Zechariah 2:1-3:10
Revelation 13:1-18
Psalm 141:1-10
Proverbs 30:18-20

Zechariah 2:5 — It seems that the man with the measuring line in Zechariah 2:1 is measuring to build a wall around the city in order to keep out invaders. Zechariah is sent to tell the defense contractor that you can’t build a wall as good as the wall of fire the LORD will build!

Zechariah 2:8 — From Jimmy DeYoung:

The city of Jerusalem is mentioned 37 times in this prophetic book and here in the second chapter the prophet refers to the holy city as the “apple of his eye”. That phrase is speaking of the “pupil” of the eye, the most sensitive spot on the entire body. This is a warning to those who might consider “touching” – attacking – the city of Jerusalem.


Zechariah 3:2 — We saw in Revelation 12:10 that Satan is the accuser of the brethren, and what is he doing here in this passage? Attacking Joshua the high priest. But the Lord defends Joshua.

Notice the interesting phrase “a brand plucked from the fire.” John Wesley identified as such.

At the age of five the Wesleys’ home caught on fire in the night. All the children were removed safely from the house, but when they were counted, John was missing. A farmer from nearby spotted little John looking out of an upstairs window amid the leaping flames. Several neighbors climbed on each other’s shoulders, ‘till the man on top was able to put his arms around the boy and pull him out of the flames to safety. Only moments after he was rescued, the entire house exploded in flames. Ever after, for the rest of his life, John Wesley referred to himself “as a brand plucked from the burning,” quoting Zechariah 3:2.


Zechariah 3:5 — ”New garments” is a theme throughout Scripture. See Joseph in Genesis 41:42, the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:22, and the guest without a wedding garment in Matthew 22:10-12. In each case – Joseph/the son/the guest/Joshua – these men could not earn new garments. Joseph was in prison; the Prodigal Son was broke; the wedding guest was probably either poor, maimed, halt, or blind (Luke 14:21); and Joshua, despite being high priest, “was clothed with filthy garments” (Zechariah 3:3). But why should we be surprised? As Isaiah said, “… all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags …” (Isaiah 64:6).

Joseph, the son, the guest (if he chose otherwise), and Joshua all could obtain new brilliantly white garments only because they were washed in the blood of the Lamb (Revelation 7:14)!

Zechariah 3:10 — Again we find George Washington’s favorite expression: “under the vine and under the fig tree.” God will give Israel rest!

Revelation 13:3 — Many Bible scholars see this as a “fake resurrection,” i.e. an attempt to imitate Jesus’ resurrection.

Revelation 13:8 — There’s only two choices – worshiping the Lamb or worshiping the Beast.

Revelation 13:17 — You may have seen the movie “A Thief in the Night” – it discusses the mark of the beast.

While the mark of the beast won’t be released until the tribulation, there have been efforts to pave the way in technology and social support. People in past decades have noted that 666 appears to be embedded within UPC codes.


Former Wisconsin Governor and US Health & Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson was advocating for a company that implants microchips into humans.

And most recently, China is implementing a “social credit system” that places people on a blacklist resulting in their inability to travel and exclusion from prestigious schools.

Revelation 13:18 — People must have the mark, the name, or the number (Revelation 13:17) in either their right hand or forehead (Revelation 13:16). Beale suggests that 666 refers to “completeness of sinful incompleteness.”

Psalm 141:3 — The psalmist is asking God to keep him from sin. What’s the first area that he asks for help in? Controlling his mouth! Let’s pray for help to control our tongue as well!

Proverbs 30:20 — The writer contrasts the honest, legitimate romance of a man with a maid and the denials of an adulteress. Avoid the way of the Proverbs 7 woman, avoid even her house – it is the way to hell (Proverbs 7:27)!

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Daily Encouragement

December 21 – Are You Aware that You’ve Enlisted?

Zechariah 1:1-21
Revelation 12:1-17
Psalm 140:1-13
Proverbs 30:17

We only have two books left in the Old Testament and a few chapters left in the New Testament! We’ve done Psalms already and are almost through it a second time! Only one chapter left in Proverbs! Congratulations to those who’ve been with us from the start, and welcome to those who are joining us lately!

Zechariah 1:1 — This prophecy came between Haggai 1:15 and Haggai 2:10.

Zechariah 1:3 — Are you calling yourself a follower of God but feel that He is distant from you? Want the LORD to be closer to you? All you have to do is turn to Him by turning away from your sin (Zechariah 1:4).

Zechariah 1:12 — This is the seventy years that Jeremiah foretold (Jeremiah 29:10), the Chronicler recorded (2 Chronicles 36:21), and Daniel counted down (Daniel 9:1-2).

Zechariah 1:14 — Jimmy DeYoung believes that this is a theophany, i.e. the angel of the LORD is a pre-incarnate appearance of Jesus.

In verse 14 the Lord says He is “jealous for Jerusalem”. The Hebrew flavor for “jealous” is “aggressively possessive”. The Lord has chosen Jerusalem for His eternal abode, the place to dwell among His people, the Jewish people, forever. Therefore, He is “aggressively possessive” of the city.

Author’s photo of the Temple Mount at night. Wailing Wall is center, Dome of the Rock is on the left, and the Mount of Olives is behind the Wailing Wall.

Revelation 12:1 — John Walvoord explains the meanings:

As many commentators have noted they are seven in number: (1) the woman, representing Israel, (2) the dragon, representing Satan, (3) the man-child, referring to Christ, (4) Michael, representing the angels, (5) Israel, the remnant of the seed of the woman, (6) the beast out of the sea, the world dictator, and (7) the beast out of the earth, the false prophet and religious leader of the world.


Revelation 12:6 — 1,260 days is three and a half years. Many think Petra will be the place where the woman will be protected. Petra is surrounded by high cliffs.

Author’s photo.

You can also take a 3D tour of Petra courtesy of the Smithsonian:

Revelation 12:7 — Michael the Archangel was the one who helped the messenger get to Daniel (Daniel 10:13), contended with the devil (Jude 1:9), and will lead the angels fighting against Satan (Revelation 12:7).

Revelation 12:10 — What does it mean that Satan is the accuser of the brethren? A similar tactic is found in Job 1. Satan’s job is to tear us down. But we can overcome by the blood of the Lamb (Revelation 12:11)!

Revelation 12:17 — We are in a war. We won’t end up with a truce where Satan has half the world and Jesus has half the world. One side will win, and one side will lose. We’re not the generals – we’re the foot soldiers that have the privilege of serving in the army of the Lord. So let’s make sure that we know our Commander (“have the testimony”) and we keep His commandments. Here’s a song from Patch the Pirate about our responsibility in the Army!

Psalm 140:1 — The Psalmist knew about the war. He knew that his hope was in the LORD (Psalm 140:4, 6, 8).

Proverbs 30:17 – A visual depiction of the 5th Commandment.

Share how reading through the Bible has been a blessing to you! E-mail us at 2018bible@vcyamerica.org or call and leave a message at 414-885-5370.

Daily Encouragement

December 20 – What’s So Important About the Temple?

Haggai 1:1-2:23
Revelation 11:1-19
Psalm 139:1-24
Proverbs 30:15-16

Haggai 1:1 — This is the same year as Ezra 4:24 (520 BC). Haggai is the first prophet to the returned remnant. We’ve read about Zerubbabel and Joshua in Ezra 3:2.

Haggai 1:4 — Interesting priorities. It wasn’t time to build the LORD’s house, but it was time to build “ceiled houses.” These houses were “roofed with costly woods;” some think “with the very cedar provided for the rebuilding of the Temple” (Ezra 3:7).

Verse 4 – For you, O ye; for you, yourselves; such as ye are (see Zechariah 7:5). He appeals to their consciences. You can make yourselves comfortable; you have time and means and industry to expend on your own private interests, and can you look with indifference on the house of God lying waste? Your ceiled houses; your houses, and those ceiled – wainscoted and roofed with costly woods (1 Kings 7:3, 7; Jeremiah 22:14), perhaps with the very cedar provided for the rebuilding of the temple (Ezra 3:7).

Pulpit Commentary

Haggai 1:5-7 — From Earl Martin:

Haggai 1:9 — We’re told that God doesn’t dwell in temples (Acts 7:48, Acts 17:24). God did not need a temple, but this is indicative of the hearts of the people. Construction stopped for 16 years because of opposition (Ezra 4:24), but instead of seeking the LORD, they built their own houses. So, what was so important about this Temple? For the Israelites to obey God, they must follow His rules and that includes the sacrifices. Well over a hundred of the Torah laws dealt with the Temple. Under Babylonian captivity they had an excuse, but now there was no excuse.

Haggai 1:14 — God has put it in some people’s spirit to do the work of the house of the LORD God. Let’s do the work today; remember His last command (Matthew 28:19-20)!

Haggai 2:3 — This building was not going to rival Solomon’s Temple, but God still encouraged those building it (Haggai 2:4) because He would fill it with His glory (Haggai 2:7). He even promised that it would be more glorious than Solomon’s (Haggai 2:9).

Haggai 2:9 — How would this humble building rival Solomon’s Palace? Because in this place God would give His peace. If you’re interested in learning how that happened, check out this article yours truly did on the Peace of Christmas.

Haggai 2:19 — Blessing comes from obeying the LORD (Haggai 2:18). Now, what is the blessing? Is it always health, wealth, and prosperity? Lutheran Satire matched up present day “religious affirmations” with martyrs of church history in a provocative video. God’s blessings undo the ceremonial uncleanness (Haggai 2:13-14) and His chastening (Haggai 2:17).

Revelation 11:1 — We read about something similar in Ezekiel 40:3.

Revelation 11:3 — Who are the two witnesses? They have the power to shut heaven like Elijah (1 Kings 17:1), and their enemies are destroyed like Moses’ enemies (Numbers 16:32).

Revelation 11:10 — Welcome to Alternative Christmas – the celebration of the death of two intolerant bigots! What could be more joyous than the termination of people who didn’t get along with the Antichrist’s political correctness?

Revelation 11:15 — The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ! And He shall reign for ever and ever! Hallelujah!

Psalm 139:1 — Welcome to the greatest psalm on omniscience! God knows me (Psalm 139:1), my goings (Psalm 139:2), my ways (Psalm 139:3), and my words (Psalm 139:4). What is my response? Psalm 139:14 – I will praise Thee!

Psalm 139:17 — This verse forms part of the chorus to the song, “I Have Been Blessed.”

Psalm 139:23-24 — The song, “Search me, O God,” is based on these two verses.

Proverbs 30:16 — There is a harsh pain in those who want to have children but cannot, even from biblical times (Genesis 30:1).

Share how reading through the Bible has been a blessing to you! E-mail us at 2018bible@vcyamerica.org or call and leave a message at 414-885-5370.

Daily Encouragement

December 19 – Zephaniah Had the Message that Jonah Wanted!

Zephaniah 1:1-3:20
Revelation 10:1-11
Psalm 138:1-8
Proverbs 30:11-14

Zephaniah 1:1 — There’s a debate as to whether Hezekiah, the ancestor of Zephaniah, was the King of Judah; if so, that would make him a cousin of Josiah.

Zephaniah 1:5 — Note what … or who … the LORD will judge: those who swear by the LORD AND by Molech/Malcham. They were lukewarm followers (Revelation 3:16) who tried to hedge their bets; they “halted” between two opinions (1 Kings 18:21).

Zephaniah 1:17 — God judges those who “have sinned against the LORD.” Sin has consequences!

Zephaniah 1:18 — Peter echoes this thought (1 Peter 1:18).

Zephaniah 2:3 — ”Before the decree … Seek ye the LORD …” (Zephaniah 2:2-3). As Isaiah said, “Seek ye the LORD while He may be found!” (Isaiah 55:6).

Zephaniah 2:11 — The LORD is jealous.

Zephaniah 2:13 — Interesting to think of: Zephaniah had the message that Jonah wanted to have! Ninevah will be destroyed! But God gave the message to Zephaniah and not to Jonah. It came 100 years later than Jonah wanted! Jonah was bitter because he wanted God to act on his timetable not on the LORD’s. This verse helps us understand the “imprecatory psalms.” It’s okay to hurt and to seek justice, but it must be on God’s time not ours (Psalm 90:4, 2 Peter 3:8).

Zephaniah 3:2 — That’s a scary epithet on a tombstone: “She trusted not in the LORD.”

Zephaniah 3:9 — This verse hasn’t been fulfilled yet! Some day all will call upon the name of the LORD! The LORD will save (Zephaniah 3:17)!

Revelation 10:6 — Yes, there is coming a day when time will be no more! This verse was included in the song, “The Great Judgment Morning.”

Psalm 138:2 — If you have the time, notice the similarities between this and Jonah 2:4 and Jonah 2:7.

Psalm 138:6 — We saw pride in Zephaniah 2:10 today, and we see it again here. God loves the lowly, not the proud.

Proverbs 30:13 — And if you didn’t notice the theme of the problem of pride, we have our Proverbs reading!

Share how reading through the Bible has been a blessing to you! E-mail us at 2018bible@vcyamerica.org or call and leave a message at 414-885-5370.

Daily Encouragement

December 18 – Who Is the “Doubting Thomas” of the Old Testament?

Habakkuk 1:1-3:19
Revelation 9:1-21
Psalm 137:1-9
Proverbs 30:10

Habakkuk 1:1 — J. Vernon McGee has an interesting take on Habakkuk:

I call him the doubting Thomas of the Old Testament because he had a question mark for a brain. His book is really unusual. It is not a prophecy in the strict sense of the term. It is somewhat like the Book of Jonah in that Habakkuk told of his own experience with God—his questions to God and God’s answers.


You’ll notice that Jonah reads easier than Habakkuk – Jonah is in prose (story-form), and Habakkuk is in poetry (thought rhyme, not sound rhyme).

Habakkuk 1:4 — Most Bibles don’t include the quote marks to indicate the dialogue going on in this book:

  • Habakkuk 1:1-4 – Habakkuk’s 1st Affirmative Constructive: “Judgment doth never go forth” (in contrast to Nahum’s recitation of judgment, Habakkuk says, “Why isn’t it happening yet?”).
  • Habakkuk 1:5-11 – The LORD’s reply: “I raise up the Chaldeans”
  • Habakkuk 1:12-2:1 – Habakkuk’s response: “The wicked devoureth the man that is more righteous than he?”
  • Habakkuk 2:2-20 – The LORD’s reply: “Because (Babylon) hast spoiled many nations, all the remnant of the people shall spoil thee”
  • Habakkuk 3 – Habakkuk’s prayer: “Revive thy work! … Yet I will rejoice in the LORD”

Habakkuk 2:4 — ”The just shall live by his faith” is quoted in Hebrews 10:38, Romans 1:17, and Galatians 3:11.

Revelation 9:3 — Some people have identified the locusts with helicopters, and Revelation 9 with the Gulf War. While the breastplate of iron and the sound of wings could fit, the heads, faces, hair, teeth, and tails don’t seem to fit. We need to make sure we’re reading the text and not reading current events into the text (Nahum’s traffic prophecy).

Revelation 9:16 — In addition to the locusts, a 200-million-man army is heading to slay a couple billion people (Revelation 9:18). Yet, in spite of this, we see the same situation as in the Old Testament.

Revelation 9:20 – “… yet repented not” of their 1st, 2nd, 6th, 7th, 8th Commandment sins.

Psalm 137:8 — Sounds a bit like Habakkuk – weeping about the suffering coming to Israel (Psalm 137:1), and looking forward to the Babylonians being destroyed.

Psalm 137:9 — Sounds a little harsh, even for the Old Testament. GotQuestions.org notes that it shows a) total destruction, b) it will be a fulfillment of Isaiah 13:16, c) it is an expression of intense emotion, and d) it is restrained – the psalmist is not engaging in revenge himself (Romans 12:17) but leaving it to God.

Proverbs 30:10 — An ancient warning against “tattle-tales.” John Gill notes:

Doeg the Edomite accused David to Saul, and the Pharisees accused the disciples of Christ to their Master, (1 Samuel 22:9) (Matthew 15:2); the apostle’s advice is good, and agrees with Agur’s, (Romans 14:4).


It also seems to address the universal problem of pride. Many of us try for superiority by any means, yet God continually warns about trying to puff ourselves up.

Share how reading through the Bible has been a blessing to you! E-mail us at 2018bible@vcyamerica.org or call and leave a message at 414-885-5370.

Daily Encouragement

December 17 – Nahum the Comforter Brings Judgment to Ninevah

Nahum 1:1-3:19
Revelation 8:1-13
Psalm 136:1-26
Proverbs 30:7-9

Nahum 1:1 — Nahum means “comforter,” but there is little comfort in this book. We’ve jumped ahead 150 years since the Book of Jonah. The revival faded away, and the people forgot when they repented. J. Vernon McGee asks why Jonah was sent personally to Nineveh, but Nahum just sent them a letter? “Why doesn’t Nahum go? Because they have already had the light, and they’ve rejected it.”

Nahum 1:3 — We’re seeing the need for forensic justification outlined here. Jesus didn’t come to just make good people better or poor people rich; He came to set guilty people free! God cannot let guilty people go free unless there is a substitute.

John MacArthur sees the qualities of the LORD in this chapter: “He is a God of inflexible justice, irresistible power, and infinite mercy.”

Nahum 1:7 — How can a good God be furious like fire (Nahum 1:6)?

“God has the absolute right to rule and authority over His creatures because He is God. He makes the laws, He determines the standard and He judges in terms of the results. He created everything at His own pleasure. He didn’t have to therefore He has the total and the perfect right to set the principles by which His creation must function.”


Nahum 1:11 — Contrast the wicked counsellor with the Wonderful Counsellor of Isaiah 9:6. A wicked counsellor plots evil against his Creator, a Wonderful Counsellor is the Creator reconnecting with His creation.

Nahum 1:15 — We’ll notice parallels between Nahum and Isaiah. Nahum 1:15 excerpts Isaiah 52:7. Nahum 3:5 references Isaiah 47:3.

Nahum 2:4 — John MacArthur jokes that this verse may be talking about Los Angeles traffic!

Nahum 3:4 — Notice the list of sins. The 7th Commandment and witchcraft (Exodus 22:18, Deuteronomy 18:10). In Nahum 1:14, we’ve seen the Second Commandment; in Nahum 3:1, we’ve seen the Sixth, Ninth, and Eighth Commandment. At the end of the chapter, we see the rhetorical question, “Upon whom hath not thy wickedness passed continually?”

Revelation 8:7 — We saw in Nahum that the LORD held all nations accountable for His laws; now we see Him judging all nations for their sins. The Seven Seals now lead to the Seven Angels. Notice the universal nature of the judgment:

  • First Angel – 1/3 of trees burnt up
  • Second Angel – 1/3 of sea becomes blood
  • Third Angel – 1/3 of rivers became bitter
  • Fourth Angel – 1/3 of sun became dark

Psalm 136:1 — We’re on the second lap through the Psalms – remember Psalm 136? While we’re on this lap, notice again the universal character of God:

  • God of gods, Lord of lords, that alone doeth great wonders (Psalm 136:2-4)
  • Made the heavens, the earth, the sun and the moon (Psalm 136:5-9)
  • Divided the Red Sea and led Israel through it (Psalm 136:13-14)
  • Giveth food to all flesh (Psalm 136:25)

Our God is great! Let’s thank the God of heaven (Psalm 136:26)!

Proverbs 30:9 — The dangers of poverty and riches. Notice the conclusion: stealing is not just a violation of the 8th Commandment but of the 3rd Commandment as well. Someone that claims to follow God but disobeys Him, takes the name of their God in vain.

Share how reading through the Bible has been a blessing to you! E-mail us at 2018bible@vcyamerica.org or call and leave a message at 414-885-5370.

Daily Encouragement

December 16 – Do Justice, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly with Thy God!

Micah 5:1-7:20
Revelation 7:1-17
Psalm 135:1-21
Proverbs 30:5-6

Micah 5:2 — Read through this verse again. A promised ruler in Israel that is from everlasting? Who can that be other than God? This is the promised Messiah! Coming from Bethlehem Ephratah!

People were aware of this prophecy in Jesus’ adult ministry (John 7:42), and this was part of the confusion – Jesus was thought to be from Galilee (John 7:41). The chief priests and scribes knew this when Jesus was born (Matthew 2:6). But when we look at Matthew 2:6, it’s missing the last phrase: “whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.” That’s the key phrase in the verse; this is no mere created being, but the very Mighty God, Everlasting Father (Isaiah 9:6).

By the way – let’s compare the prophecies of the contemporaries Micah and Isaiah:

Isaiah 9Micah 5
“unto us a child is born,
unto us a son is given” (Isaiah 9:6)
“But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah…
out of thee shall he come
forth unto me” (Micah 5:2).
“the government shall be upon
his shoulder” (Isaiah 9:6)
“of the increase of his government…
there shall be no end” (Isaiah 9:7)
“that is to be ruler in Israel” (Micah 5:2)
“his name shall be called Wonderful,
Counseller (Isaiah 9:6)
“and he shall stand and feed” (Micah 5:4)
“the Mighty God” (Isaiah 9:6)“in the strength of the LORD” (Micah 5:4)
“the Everlasting Father” (Isaiah 9:6)“whose goings forth have been from of old,
from everlasting (Micah 5:2)
“the Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6)
“of the increase of his …peace… 
there shall be no end.” (Isaiah 9:7)
“and this man shall be the peace” (Micah 5:5)
“of the increase of his government … 
there shall be no end.” (Isaiah 9:7)
“for now shall he be great unto
the ends of the earth” (Micah 5:4)

Micah 5:5 — Jesus is the peace! He made peace through the blood of His cross (Colossians 1:20). Then we see Micah shifting to the present day challenge of the Assyrians. “After the pattern of the prophets, Micah blended near and distant ages in his prophecy” (EnduringWord.com).

Micah 5:10-14 — Notice how the LORD is cleansing His people by going back to the Law. Horses and chariots (Deuteronomy 17:16), witchcraft (Exodus 22:18, Deuteronomy 18:10), graven images (Exodus 20:4, Leviticus 26:1, Deuteronomy 5:8), groves (Exodus 34:13, Deuteronomy 7:5, Deuteronomy 12:3).

But why cities? The LORD destroyed cities before Israel (Sodom and Gomorrah – Genesis 19:25), enlisted Israel in the destruction of the Canaanite cities (Numbers 21:2 and Joshua 6:17 – “accursed/under the ban“), and threatened to destroy rebellious cities (Leviticus 26:31-33). Destruction of cities is a “capital punishment” judgment for egregious sin, and we’ve seen the sins listed already.

Micah 6:8 — Micah has simplified the Old Testament Law – the 613 commands of the Torah and the 10 Commandments of Moses – into three requirements: do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with thy God.

  • Do justly – the “second tablet” of negative commandments – murder, steal, lie, covet, adultery (Exodus 20), not to mention the “divers weights” (Deuteronomy 25:13-14, Proverbs 20:10, Proverbs 20:23).
  • Love mercy – the “positive” second greatest commandment – “love thy neighbor as thyself” (Leviticus 19:18, Matthew 22:39, Mark 12:31). Mercy is the word “hesed” (see exposition at Ligonier).
  • Walk humbly with thy God – the “first tablet” of commandments – no other gods, no graven images, no name in vain, remembering the Sabbath (Exodus 20), not to mention literal “humility before God” (Exodus 10:3, Deuteronomy 8:2, 1 Kings 21:29, 2 Kings 22:29, 2 Chronicles 7:14, 2 Chronicles 12:7, 2 Chronicles 12:12, 2 Chronicles 34:27, Psalm 34:18, Psalm 51:17, Proverbs 29:23, Isaiah 57:15, Isaiah 61:1, Matthew 18:4, Matthew 23:12, Luke 14:11, Luke 18:14, James 4:6, James 4:10, 1 Peter 5:5-6).

Micah 7:2-3 — The world hasn’t changed much. “There is none upright among men … that they may do evil with both hands.”

Micah 7:6 — Jesus referred to this in Matthew 10:35.

Micah 7:9 — Even for those who have sinned against the LORD, God will hear (Micah 7:7) if we will repent, i.e. if we refuse to avoid the consequences of our sin but bear them. As Micah concludes, “Who is a God like unto thee, that pardoneth iniquity” (Micah 7:18)? He will have compassion (Micah 7:19) and will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea (Micah 7:19)! Yes, my sins have been cast in the depth of the sea! Down, deep in the sea! Join Martha and Bradley Garvin as they perform:

Revelation 7:4 — No, the 144,000 are not the number of people who will reign with Christ!

Revelation 7:17 — Yes, there is coming a day when no heartaches shall come, no more clouds in the sky, no more tears to dim the eye. All is peace forevermore, On that happy golden shore. What a day, glorious day, that will be!

Psalm 135:5 — What a mighty God we serve!

Proverbs 30:5 — We are holding the pure Words of God in our hands! Thank God that we have His Word!

Share how reading through the Bible has been a blessing to you! E-mail us at 2018bible@vcyamerica.org or call and leave a message at 414-885-5370.