Leviticus 4:1-5:19
Mark 2:13-3:6
Psalm 36:1-12
Proverbs 10:1-2
Leviticus 4:2 — Sinning through ignorance. Centuries earlier, Job was concerned about his children sinning in ignorance (Job 1:5).
Leviticus 5:3 — A “clean” person became “unclean” by touching an “unclean” person. The opposite was not true, however. The “unclean” person did not become “clean” by being touched by a “clean” person. The only exception happened 1,400 years later (Matthew 8:3)!

Mark 2:13 — I had the opportunity to travel with Jimmy DeYoung to Israel, and we stayed by the sea side of Galilee.
Mark 2:17 — I’m glad that Jesus came to call me to repentance!
Psalm 36:7 — Lovingkindness – again we see the root word hesed. Discover the Word points out how this word is exemplified in Ruth 3:10: she chose to stay loyal to Naomi, an act of kindness, a choice of love. John MacArthur discusses hesed as well:
… the Hebrew word “chesed” is often translated “loving kindness”. That is the attribute of God that we want to focus on. God is possessed by an innate goodwill toward sinners, an innate kindness. God is by nature merciful, tender-hearted, compassionate. God withholds judgment. God grants benevolent favors because it is His nature. It is a reason to praise Him. It is a reason to honor Him. It is a reason to worship Him …
Proverbs 10:1 — We have moved from the introductory contrasts, to the pithy saying section. Twenty-six of the thirty-two verses in this chapter use “but” as a contrast, which is a key feature of antithetical Hebrew poetry.
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