Join Us Reading Through the Entire Bible in 2024!

Christians know they should read the Bible, but only 9% of Americans have read the Bible more than once. If you’ve never read through the Bible before, or if you want to join a community of believers reading through the entire Word of God in 2024 with helpful encouragement and accountability – join us!

Step 1: Paper, Digital, or BYOBible

There are three easy-to-use ways to join us on our Bible Reading Challenge!

In PrintOnline/MobileReading Guide
One Year Bible
Order from VCY America for just $20 including S&H. Order Online or call 800-729-9829!Join our One Year Bible reading group on YouVersion!Download the FREE daily passage reading guide & follow along in your Bible!

Step 2: Join the email list

Then – join our daily Bible Reading Challenge email list! Sign up with your name and email and receive daily passage reminder, some things we’ve noticed in the passage, and encouragement as you seek to follow God’s Word! Each week we’ll send you an accountability email to help you stay faithful – FREE!

Want a print version of the Companion (most of the text of the daily emails + QR codes to go right to the videos)? Order now!

Step 3: Share your testimony reading the Bible

Have a testimony to share? Call our testimony line at 414-885-5370.