Daily Encouragement

July 18 – How Well Did They Guard the Temple Treasury?

1 Chronicles 26:12-27:34
Romans 4:13-5:5
Psalm 14:1-7
Proverbs 19:17

1 Chronicles 26:20 — Ahijah and others (Zetham and Joel in 1 Chronicles 26:22, Shebuel in 1 Chronicles 26:24, Shelomith in 1 Chronicles 26:26) were appointed over the treasures of the house of God – the treasures set aside by David (1 Chronicles 26:26) and going back through Saul to Samuel (1 Chronicles 26:28). What did these men think about the treasures 500 years later?

  • just five years after Solomon hands the crown to Rehoboam, the treasure is captured by Pharaoh Shishak (1 Kings 14:26). If they would have gone to the LORD first (Deuteronomy 20:1-4), they would not have had His house raided;
  • just a few decades after Shishak, Asa raided the gold and silver of the Temple and paid off the Syrian King Ben-hadad (1 Kings 15:18);
  • four generations after that, Jehoash paid off a different Syrian King – Hazael (2 Kings 12:18);
  • Jehoash’s son Amaziah lost the treasure to the Northern Kingdom’s Jehoash in 2 Kings 14:14;
  • the treasure was given away a few generations later by …
    1. Ahaz to the Assyrian Tiglath-pileser (2 Kings 16:8), then by …
    2. Hezekiah to the Assyrian Sennacherib (2 Kings 18:15), then finally taken by …
    3. Nebuchadnezzar (2 Kings 24:13) to Babylon.

Interestingly, even though the treasures were raided seven times, we see that there were still vessels of gold that Solomon had made available at the time of Nebuchadnezzar (400 years later). The commentator Ellicott was surprised, but he assumed that there were secret store-chambers under the Temple. It is my contention that the heavy mandatory taxes for the nation/temple were used regularly to rebuild the treasures according to the descriptions given in Scripture. It could have possibly been similar to the refurbishing of state capitol buildings every 50 years or so. The Levites were continually refabricating the treasures dedicated to the House of the LORD (a continual reminder of the cost of not trusting the LORD).

1 Chronicles 27:6 — The Chronicler is recording the exploits of the many faithful. Not just the head coach (David), but those in his “starting lineup” (e.g. Benaiah).

1 Chronicles 27:7 — You might remember that Asahel was slain by Abner (2 Samuel 2:23). The Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary suggests “This officer having been slain at the very beginning of David’s reign [2Sa 2:23], his name was probably given to this division in honor of his memory, and his son was invested with the command.”

1 Chronicles 27:24 — The Census Intrigue continues – apparently Joab also started to count those twenty and under. The Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary notes:

The census which David ordered did not extend to all the Israelites; for to contemplate such an enumeration would have been to attempt an impossibility (Ge 28:14), and besides would have been a daring offense to God. The limitation to a certain age was what had probably quieted David’s conscience as to the lawfulness of the measure, while its expediency was strongly pressed upon his mind by the army arrangements he had in view.

1 Chronicles 27:34 — Wisconsin publishes a similar document (a Blue Book) that contains the biographies and lists of the Governor’s Cabinet and major officials.

Romans 4:21 — What God promises, He will perform! We can stand on those promises!

Romans 4:24 — The righteousness that was imputed to Abraham can also be imputed to us if we believe in Jesus, taking us from God’s wrath (Romans 4:15) to peace with God (Romans 5:1).

Psalm 14:7 — Yes, David himself looked forward to the salvation that would come, especially knowing that all have gone astray, none seek the LORD (Psalm 14:2-3).

Proverbs 19:17 — A lender will investigate the ability of the borrower to repay, but the poor have no cosigner but the LORD who will repay any deeds done.

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Daily Encouragement

July 17 – Meet Asaph “Officially!”

1 Chronicles 24:1-26:11
Romans 4:1-12
Psalm 13:1-6
Proverbs 19:15-16

1 Chronicles 24:2 — Nadab and Abihu are mentioned together in 1 Chronicles only 3 times, the first mention of them since Numbers 26:61. Interestingly, Korah is also found in the genealogies of 1 Chronicles 6:37. Apparently, Korah’s son Ebiasaph did not join his father’s company (Numbers 16:16) when they reported to Moses. As a result, he didn’t join his father’s tents (Numbers 16:24, Numbers 16:27) or suffer his father’s demise (Numbers 16:32)). Uzzah (1 Chronicles 13:10) joins Nadab and Korah among those directly slain by the LORD; the details were recorded by the Chronicler as a warning.

1 Chronicles 25:1 — This is the first time we’ve met Asaph in the chronological books, but we’ve read a dozen of his other writings: Asaph is the attributed author of Psalm 50 and Psalms 73-83. The Chronicler is showing the connection between the descendants of Asaph that came to rebuild Jerusalem (Ezra 2:41, Ezra 3:10, Nehemiah 7:44, Nehemiah 11:22, Nehemiah 12:45) 500 years after they served in Solomon’s Temple.

1 Chronicles 25:7-8 — The Benson Commentary on the Old and New Testaments says: “All that were cunning — who were so skillful that they were able to teach others.” God used both the skill they had developed and what people may call “luck” to staff the music needs. The “casting of lots” is actually a biblically prescribed method (see Leviticus 16:8, Numbers 26:55, Numbers 33:54, Numbers 34:13, Joshua 13:6, Joshua 14:2, 1 Samuel 14:41, Proverbs 16:33, and let’s not forget Jonah 1:7). God expects our best, He wants our best, and He has long lists to show His orderliness (we saw several examples of people who were killed for breaking His order).

Romans 4:2 — Surely, if anyone could have been saved by works, it was Father Abraham! God must have been impressed with his goodness to have rewarded him as a Father of Many Nations (Genesis 17:5), especially since he was recognized for even his future acts (Genesis 18:19). Keep in mind that Abraham disobeyed God’s first command to him (Genesis 12:1); he didn’t leave his father’s house but followed his father, Terah, to Haran first (Genesis 11:31). In addition, notice that at the time he was rewarded, his reward wasn’t for any past actions but actions he hadn’t done yet (Genesis 18:19). No, Abraham had nothing to glory in – he just believed God (Galatians 3:6, James 2:23). In fact, Paul will go on to show that he had not even been circumcised yet (Romans 4:10-17)!

Romans 4:7 — Paul quotes David (Psalm 32:1-2) while outlining the case for imputed righteousness. God makes us righteous not because of our works but in spite of our works. That is the blessing that causes David to shout for joy (Psalm 32:11)!

Psalm 13:5 — David rejoices in God’s salvation. This is not because of his works but because of the mercy of the LORD! And again, we see David rejoicing verbally, this time in song (Psalm 13:6).

Proverbs 19:16 — There is a teaching going around that claims that because God didn’t warn Adam and Eve specifically about the flames of hell in order to motivate their obedience, either a) God isn’t fair, or b) hell was invented in the Dark Ages in order to motivate obedience. Even though this false dichotomy is most often taught by the Jehovah’s Witnesses and those who want to disconnect the Old Testament and the New Testament, many others have hopped on this train as well (see below the comments in David Kowalski’s article). Similar to the Jehovah’s Witnesses teaching, these “copycats” deny that the Jesus Christ of the New Testament is One with the God of the Old Testament. However, God’s motive for not fully explaining the doctrine of hell in Genesis 1 was not to trick us – our life as a follower of the LORD is greater than just avoiding hellfire. Throughout the Bible we have a choice between following the commands of the LORD and enjoying His fellowship and blessing, or disobeying and suffering death and judgment:

  • In Genesis 2:17, Adam and Eve were given a choice – the tree of life or the tree of death;
  • In Deuteronomy 30:19, the Israelites were given the choice between life and death, between obeying the LORD and experiencing His blessings, or disobeying Him and suffering His curses;
  • In Daniel 12:2, we are made aware that either everlasting life or everlasting contempt will be meted out at the resurrection;
  • In Matthew 25:46, Jesus makes it very clear that there are only two futures that should concern us: either enjoying eternal life or suffering eternal punishment;
  • Here in Proverbs 19:16, life and death are again the options given for us to consider.

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Daily Encouragement

July 16 – The Contentious Woman Is a Constant Dripping

1 Chronicles 22:1-23:32
Romans 3:9-31
Psalm 12:1-8
Proverbs 19:13-14

1 Chronicles 22:5 — Of all the mistakes that David made, he never gave God less than his best. Look at the inventory in 1 Chronicles 22:14.

1 Chronicles 23:30 — Just because this isn’t your job doesn’t mean you’re prohibited from doing this.

Romans 3:10 — Paul borrows from Psalm 14. From David’s time to Paul’s time, this truth was universal: no one is righteous. The sins are numerous: deceit (Romans 3:13), cursing (Romans 3:14), and murder (Romans 3:15), but they all are summarized in a lesson from Proverbs: we DO NOT fear the LORD. David recognized the “fear of the LORD” as essential (2 Samuel 23:3). If you need a refresher on how you are guilty, let’s go to the Law!

Romans 3:22 — Notice the contrast – righteousness to all who believe vs. no flesh shall be justified by the deeds of the Law. Romans 3:23 says that all have sinned, whereas Romans 3:24 tells us that all can be justified.

Psalm 12:7 — Paul talked yesterday about the Jews as the guardians of the Law. God used them as part of His process to preserve His Word forever.

Proverbs 19:13 — Forever Be Sure wrote a song based on this verse. Enjoy! By the way … in case you wanted to know … my wife is a Proverbs 19:14 woman!

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Daily Encouragement

July 15 – Whitewashed David? Where Was the Temple?

1 Chronicles 19:1-21:30
Romans 2:25-3:8
Psalm 11:1-7
Proverbs 19:10-12

1 Chronicles 19:19 — Why were the servants of Hadarezer “put to the worse” (defeated)? Because of 1 Chronicles 19:13 – the battle was given to the LORD.

1 Chronicles 20:1 — Did the phrase “at the time that kings go out to battle” jump out at you? That was the warning phrase that something bad happened in 2 Samuel (hint … the David and Bathsheba incident). 2 Samuel 11:1 matches 1 Chronicles 20:1, but 1 Chronicles 20:2 jumps ahead to 2 Samuel 12:30.

1 Chronicles 21:7 — Why was God so angry with David for the census? Deuteronomy 17:18 says that the king was to hand copy the entire Law/Torah (Genesis – Deuteronomy). So, David should have been very familiar with all of God’s commands in the Torah, all 613 of them. In Exodus 30:12, it was clearly stated that if you take a census, everyone had to pay a ransom to the LORD for his life in order to prevent a plague. The exact reasons for David’s actions are unclear even to commentators, but David should have known it was wrong to do it improperly. The outcome here is similar to the outcome of carrying the Ark improperly – it cost Uzzah his life (2 Samuel 6:7), and the outcome of handling strange fire cost Nadab & Abihu their life (Leviticus 10:2). Dexter Penwell notes:

Each person was to provide a half shekel silver coin of redemption (Exodus 30:12). In the Bible, silver represents blood. So those half shekel coins represented that each person being counted was redeemed by blood … (Exodus 30:12-16) states that if those redemption coins were not provided, then there would be a plague among the people. So, what happened was what was stated in Exodus. As a side note, the bases (sockets) for the boards of the holy place and the holy of holies were made from the original redemption coins.

1 Chronicles 21:30 — God used the sword of the angel to point David to the new spot for His House. No longer would it be the altar at Gibeon but the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite. Dr. Leen Ritmeyer has a great post on the location of this sacrifice:

Jewish tradition maintains that David’s altar was built (c. 980 BC) on the same place that Abraham had erected his altar in preparation for the sacrifice of Isaac, before God intervened. Based on the relationship between Herod’s Temple and the Rock inside the Dome of the Rock, the altar would have been located just east of the Dome of the Chain, as depicted in this photograph: https://www.ritmeyer.com/2014/10/27/the-temple-mount-in-jerusalem-during-the-jebusite-period/

While some claim that this was not on the “Temple Mount” but rather on the “City of David,” Dr. Leen Ritmeyer refutes that argument proposed by Dr. Ernest Martin and repeated by Bob Cornuke.

Romans 3:5 — Paul is re-orienting our thinking – to understand God we must first admit He is righteous, and of consequence, more righteous than us (Romans 3:4)!

Psalm 11:4 — The psalmist makes reference to the “temple”, and we immediately think of the building that David tried to build. Yet, the LORD cannot be contained on earth or in heaven (1 Kings 8:27)! Even though He transcends the earth, He still beholds the children of men.

Proverbs 19:11 — There are many offences that we could point to and make a stink about, yet it is our glory to pass over a wrong that someone has done to us. If we can forgive an action (intentional or unintentional), we are not just “the bigger man” – we have glory!

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Daily Encouragement

July 14 – Who is Tou of Hamath?

1 Chronicles 16:37-18:17
Romans 2:1-24
Psalm 10:16-18
Proverbs 19:8-9

1 Chronicles 16:41 — This is the equivalent of today’s American citizen reading the Federalist Papers – reading about how our nation was established. The Israelites, hundreds of years after David, would read the Chronicler’s account as he told what happened back at the founding of Israel. This verse echoes Psalm 136:1 (which is echoed in every verse of the psalm), that the mercy of the LORD wasn’t just way back with the founding fathers – it endures forever – therefore it endures today!

David telling his plans to build a house for the LORD

1 Chronicles 17:12 — Twenty-two times in 1 Chronicles is the term “forever” used. The Davidic Covenant was forever, and it humbled David (1 Chronicles 17:16).

1 Chronicles 18:4 — This verse repeats almost verbatim 2 Samuel 8:4, because this points back to the Torah (Deuteronomy 17:16) and echoes what Joshua did (Joshua 11:9) at the Battle of the Waters of Merom.

1 Chronicles 18:9 — Who is this Tou of Hamath? Amazingly, Hamath is referenced thirty-nine times in the Old Testament! Associates for Biblical Research (ABR) reports that the man Anatolian, who archaeologists know as King Taita, may be the Tou ally of David:

And what of King Taita, now emerged from obscurity as a powerful monarch of the Early Iron Age, possibly even descended from the great Hittite kings of the Empire? If such a king ruled over a large territory, is there mention of him elsewhere in ancient documents? So far the answer appears to be in the negative, at least not yet, unless you include the Old Testament, which brings us back to the city of Hama. Taita may have well been a contemporary—a friend and ally—to King David himself. The author of 2 Samuel knew him as Toi, King of Hamath (2 Sam 8:9-10; Tou in 1 Chron 18-9-10). David’s military victories over Hadadezer, King of Zobah and his Aramaean allies prompted Toi to send his son Joram as an envoy bearing gifts to the Israelite conqueror. For Hadadezer was warring against Toi, so forging an alliance with David made strategic sense. But how does Taita become Toi (Hebrew: תּﬠיּ)?

Romans 2:15 — Everyone has the Law of God written in their hearts – their conscience tells them that some things are right, and some things are wrong. Consciences are not all agreed, however (1 Corinthians 8:7), and they can be seared (1 Timothy 4:2), defiled (Titus 1:15), and be evil (Hebrews 10:22). The bottom line is, however, that we are all aware that there is a moral law.

Romans 2:21-23 — Paul reiterates that knowledge of the explicitly revealed Law (the Torah in general and the Ten Commandments in particular) is not enough. Hearers are not justified, only doers are justified (Romans 2:13). Those who know the Law and warn against stealing, adultery, and idolatry, still commit these sins. Why? Paul, having shown the universality of the knowledge of right and wrong, will show that no matter our best attempts, we are all still sinners.

Psalm 10:16 — We read earlier today about the Davidic Covenant promising a Davidic king over Israel forever. A thousand years after David we will see these two declarations merge – the LORD becomes the Son of David to be King forever!

Proverbs 19:9 — This verse fits in with Paul’s warning that even those who preach against lying still lie. And Paul will show us that lying leads to death (Romans 6:23).

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Daily Encouragement

July 13 – The Fruits of Bad Theology

1 Chronicles 15:1-16:36
Romans 1:18-32
Psalm 10:1-15
Proverbs 19:6-7

1 Chronicles 15:2 — David almost immediately realizes that it was his sin that caused the death of Uzzah (see yesterday’s notes on 1 Chronicles 13:10), and so he gathers over 800 Levites to carry the Ark. Notice that he recognizes the eternal mandate of the Levites to minister. Now that the Exiles have returned to the land, the Chronicler is reminding them that the deeds of David hundreds of years ago are as relevant today as they were then.

1 Chronicles 15:29 — What was David’s dancing and why did it bother Michal? From Hard Sayings of the Bible:

Was David’s Public Dancing Indecent?

Was Michal correct in her estimate of David’s dancing in front of the ark of God as it was being brought to the tent David had prepared for it in his city? Or did she misinterpret David’s actions and purpose?

If David had expected his wife Michal, the daughter of Saul, to rejoice with him in the arrival of the ark of God in the capital city, he had a long wait coming. It is a real question if this ever was a happy marriage, for as Alter notes, “Until the final meeting between Michal and David, at no point is there any dialogue between them—an avoidance of verbal exchange particularly noticeable in the Bible, where such a large part of the burden of narration is taken up by dialogue. When the exchange finally comes, it is an explosion.”

In one sentence Michal’s sarcastic words tell us what she thinks of David’s actions. To her way of thinking, the king had demeaned himself by divesting himself of his royal robes and dressing only in a “linen ephod” (2 Sam 6:14). With abandoned joy David danced before the Lord as the ark, properly borne this time on the shoulders of the Levites, went up to Jerusalem.

Michal did not even deign to go out on the streets to be part of the festivities, but she watched from a window (2 Sam 6:16). Obviously, there was more bothering Michal than David’s undignified public jubilation. Her words about David “distinguish[ing] himself” are further punctuated by her disdainfully emphasizing the fact three times over that the king had “disrob[ed]” (the final clause of 2 Sam 6:20 literally reads, “as any vulgar fellow, disrobing, would disrobe”). Was David’s dress, or lack thereof, as scandalous as Michal made it out to be? Though some have thought that they detected overtones of orgiastic rituals in preparation for sacred marriage rites (in, for example, the presence of slave girls), such suggestions are overdrawn if we are to take seriously David’s rejoinders to Michal in 2 Samuel 6:21–22. David speaks of his election and appointment to the office of king by God. He does rub in the fact that God chose him over her father Saul. But as far as David was concerned, it was not an issue of public nudity or scandalous dress, but a matter of humiliating himself before the Lord. Furthermore, he danced not for the “slave girls,” but for the Lord. The “linen ephod” consisted probably of a linen robe used normally by the Levites.

Kaiser, Walter C., Jr., Peter H. Davids, F. F. Bruce, and Manfred T. Brauch. Hard Sayings of the Bible. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 1996.

1 Chronicles 16:7 — This psalm was edited by David and placed in our Psalter as Psalm 105. Notice the similarity between Psalm 105:1-15 to 1 Chronicles 16:8-22. The major difference is between 1 Chronicles 16:15:

Be ye mindful always of his covenant; the word which he commanded to a thousand generations …

and Psalm 105:8:

He hath remembered his covenant for ever, the word which he commanded to a thousand generations.

Psalm 105:8 is edited for the purposes of continual praise; there the psalmist reflects on God’s effective and eternal covenant, whereas the Chronicler emphasizes that in David’s first use of the psalm, the people are reminded to be mindful of this covenant. Similar to God’s gift of salvation, we have been given a great gift, but we must also be mindful of what we have been given in order to work out our own salvation (Philippians 2:12).

1 Chronicles 16:26 — The Chronicler is emphasizing parts of Israel’s history that are important for the post-Exilic people to know – all gods are idols except the LORD of Israel. He is greater because He is the Creator. It is His power as Creator that gives Him authority over us.

Romans 1:18 — A false teaching going around today is that love is God. While God is love (1 John 4:8), God is also wrathful in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. Who are these people that He is angry at? Keep reading.

Romans 1:21-22 — I’m writing today’s piece from Canada, where the largest Protestant denomination is debating whether or not to allow atheists to be ministers. This followed the election of a practicing homosexual as Moderator (head of the church). Paul said this is the result of bad theology (Romans 1:26-27).

Romans 1:29 — Speaking of fruits of bad theology, the United Church of Canada has opened the doors to accept fornication since 1965 and accept abortion since 1971. Now they are struggling with whether or not to ordain atheists as ministers. As Paul goes on to expound in Romans 6:23 – these sins will result in death, and yet there are those who not only do this, but approve of this in their formal church documents.

Psalm 10:11 — The United Church of Christ (US-based) published a devotional that says:

Atheists are wrong, but they could be on to something. Maybe God is gone. Absent. Absence is not the same thing as non-existence. When someone you love dies, you encounter the presence of their absence.

This is the same thinking that David was struggling with – there are those who believe God is hiding and will not see what is going on. But David realizes (Psalm 10:12-15) that God sees everything, He will punish sin, and He will help His children!

Proverbs 19:6-7 — Solomon notices the problem that James will address a thousand years later in James 2:4 – partiality is the tendency of man. Though it is natural, it is still sin (James 2:9).

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Daily Encouragement

July 12 – The Just Shall Live by Faith!

1 Chronicles 12:19-14:17
Romans 1:1-17
Psalm 9:13-20
Proverbs 19:4-5

1 Chronicles 12:22 — Day by day the numbers grew. Daily faithfulness brings daily rewards.

1 Chronicles 13:1 — David’s leadership involved consulting with his captains. Afterwards, he then presented his plan to the people, and as a result, it had universal acclaim (1 Chronicles 13:4). He forgot, though, that the Ark of God was not to be carried in a cart (1 Chronicles 13:7 – compare 1 Chronicles 15:15), and he also skipped the part in God’s Law about multiplying wives (Deuteronomy 17:17). But he did seek the LORD (1 Chronicles 14:10, 1 Chronicles 14:14).

1 Chronicles 13:10 — Why was the LORD so angry at Uzzah that He killed him? Couldn’t God have prevented the oxen from stumbling? Even more troubling – the sin wasn’t solely Uzzah’s – it was David’s. David was obligated to read the entire Law and hand copy it (Deuteronomy 17:18). In spite of the instructions found in the Law, David gave the orders to move the Ark on an oxcart (1 Chronicles 13:6-7); as a result, a bystander was killed for disobeying the Law, even though he meant well. The LORD, given His control of the world, allowed/caused the oxen to stumble. Why? The LORD is a jealous and holy God (Exodus 34:14). As we know from the New Testament, the wages of even just one sin (James 2:10) is death (Romans 6:23), and so Uzzah died as a result of the sin of David. This is another example of substitutionary death in the Old Testament, specifically with David. David’s sin with the Ark led to the death of Uzzah. David’s sin with Bathsheba led to the death of Uriah (2 Samuel 11:17) and his first son (2 Samuel 12:18). To top things off, 70,000 men died (2 Samuel 24:15) for David’s ill-advised census (2 Samuel 24:2) because it was done improperly (Exodus 30:12).

Substitutionary death is a big theme in the Bible. Paul teaches us in Romans 5:12 that one man’s sin caused many to die, but it was (Romans 5:19) one man’s perfect obedience to all 613 laws of the Torah that can bring eternal life (Romans 5:21) to all who believe.

It doesn’t seem “fair” to us, but let’s remember:

  • God created morality – so it’s like arguing with Shakespeare what “Wherefore art thou Romeo?” really means;
  • God created us (Genesis 2:7) – so it’s like arguing with your artist neighbor who threw away a broken clay pot (Isaiah 45:9 and Romans 9:21);
  • All men are sinners (Romans 3:23) and deserve death (Romans 6:23), and God has appointed that day (Hebrews 9:27); and finally
  • Uzzah should have known he was forbidden from touching the Ark (Numbers 4:15) – and if he didn’t know, take note that his biblical illiteracy was fatal.

Romans 1:5 — Remember Paul’s preaching on the resurrection? Here is the basis of his message – the resurrection of Jesus Christ!

Romans 1:17 — In the early 1500s, a monk named Martin Luther made a discovery. From R. C. Sproul:

He says, “Here in it,” in the gospel, “the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith, as it is written, ‘the just shall live by faith.’” A verse taken from the book of Habakkuk in the Old Testament that is cited three times in the New Testament. As Luther would stop short and say, “What does this mean, that there’s this righteousness that is by faith, and from faith to faith? What does it mean that the righteous shall live by faith?” Which again as I said was the thematic verse for the whole exposition of the gospel that Paul sets forth here in the Book of Romans. And so, the lights came on for Luther, and he began to understand that what Paul was speaking of here was a righteousness that God in His grace was making available to those who would receive it passively, not those who would achieve it actively, but that would receive it by faith, and by which a person could be reconciled to a holy and righteous God.

Psalm 9:14 — David rejoiced in the salvation of the LORD, i.e. his deliverance from Saul and the Philistines. Paul rejoiced in the salvation of the LORD, i.e. his preservation to be a testimony in Rome. Martin Luther discovered the salvation that came not from becoming righteous but from receiving the righteousness of God. Thank the LORD for His salvation!

Proverbs 19:5 — Truth is your ultimate defense. Yes, in the short run, it may seem that lying may save you trouble – like the time when a parent without discernment asks his two sons if they stole a candy bar (both of them had). One son admits it and is punished, the other denies it and is not punished. But even though in the short run telling the truth may seem costly, telling a lie is far more expensive.

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Daily Encouragement

July 11 – Commencement of the Davidic Reign

1 Chronicles 11:1-12:18
Acts 28:1-31
Psalm 9:1-12
Proverbs 19:1-3

1 Chronicles 11:2-3 — The beginning of the Davidic reign is marked by:

  • The promise from the LORD God that David would rule,
  • A covenant between the elders of Israel and David in Hebron, and
  • The fulfillment of Samuel’s declaration of the Word of the LORD.

The nation of Israel was not an accident, but a fulfillment of the Word of the LORD. As David stayed near the LORD, the LORD blessed David (1 Chronicles 11:9), saved his mighty men (1 Chronicles 11:14), and received the offering of the mighty men (1 Chronicles 11:18).

1 Chronicles 11:41 — As we walk through the halls of the Davidic Museum in Chronicles, we look at the exploits of the warriors who trusted David and David’s LORD and won many battles. But in this Hall of Fame, we see the name of Uriah the Hittite, and our memories are triggered by the warning of the courtier in 2 Samuel 11:3.

1 Chronicles 12:1 — Ziklag, the small town on the frontier of the border with the Philistines, was the headquarters of David’s government-in-exile. In this passage we have the roll call of those willing to break with Saul, even those of Saul’s brethren, the tribe of Benjamin (1 Chronicles 12:2). We also must be willing to give up our tribal loyalty for loyalty to the Word of the LORD.

Acts 28:6 — Paul puts no faith in the opinion of the crowds. He had preached the gospel in Lystra and went from being a curiosity (Acts 14:7) to being worshipped (Acts 14:11) to being stoned (Acts 14:19) … all in the span of a few verses!

Remember, though, even Paul’s LORD had the multitudes shouting “Hosanna!” (Matthew 21:9) one day, and then less than a week later shouting “Crucify!” (Matthew 27:22)

Acts 28:14 — Interesting that the soldiers who earlier wanted to kill Paul (Acts 27:42) were now allowing Paul to spend a week with his fellow cultists (from their perspective) in Puteoli (Acts 28:13).

Acts 28:23 — Some preachers today say that we need to “unhitch” ourselves from the Old Testament. Paul used the Old Testament as a bridge to bring his beloved fellow Israelites to faith in his LORD Jesus, the Messiah.

Acts 28:31 — The history of the Church ends with Paul preaching Jesus. May our lives end on the same note!

Psalm 9:3 — Yes, the psalmist tells what has happened to Paul. His enemies were turned back from their purposes of killing him (Acts 27:42) and from their judgment of him (Acts 28:4). The LORD was Paul’s refuge (Psalm 9:9), and Paul put his trust in the LORD (Psalm 9:10). At every opportunity he sought to share the name of the LORD with the Israelites of Rome and so declared His doings (Psalm 9:11).

Proverbs 19:1 — Yes, riches are enjoyable but better to be poor with integrity.

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Daily Encouragement

July 10 – Out of the Genealogies!

1 Chronicles 9:1-10:14
Acts 27:21-44
Psalm 8:1-9
Proverbs 18:23-24

1 Chronicles 9:1 — Sin has consequences. Have you caught that message yet? The transgressors are contrasted with Phinehas who the LORD was with.

1 Chronicles 9:34 — In the previous verses we saw the records of the porters (1 Chronicles 9:22), the door openers (1 Chronicles 9:27), those in charge of the vessels (1 Chronicles 9:28), the bakers (1 Chronicles 9:32), and the singers (1 Chronicles 9:33). As we read earlier, the Chronicles were written during the Return after the Exile. As Grace to You (GTY) points out:

The chronicler’s selective genealogy and history of Israel, stretching from Adam (1 Chr. 1:1) to the return from Babylon (2 Chr. 26:23), was intended to remind the Jews of God’s promises and intentions about: 1) the Land; 2) the nation; 3) the Davidic king; 4) the Levitical priests; 5) the temple; and 6) true worship, none of which had been abrogated because of the Babylonian captivity. All of this was to remind them of their spiritual heritage during the difficult times they faced, and to encourage them to be faithful to God.

1 Chronicles 10:1 — We leave the genealogies and jump right into the death of Saul. We see the history in Chronicles starting with the fact that Saul died for his transgression. Immediately afterwards, we return to the Kingdom of David (1 Chronicles 10:14).

Acts 27:21 — Paul brings a polite “I told you so” to the crowd; his response was in contrast to the centurion who believed the ship’s owner to his own hurt. Paul believed God (Acts 27:25) because the Creator of time can see the future as well as the past. Paul, having predicted what would happen, had an “ethos” (credibility) with those onboard. He offered a “logos” (argument) to them which reminded everyone that the One who gave Paul his wisdom has a new message for those in the boat. His new message was amplified by the “pathos” (emotion) of his appeal (“be of good cheer”).

Acts 27:35 — Paul didn’t utter a discreet prayer … he gave thanks to God in the presence of them all! Yet, he did it in such a way that they were all of good cheer.

Acts 27:43 — Paul earned favor in the eyes of the centurion and was able to save not only his own life but also those of the other prisoners. Sounds a bit like Acts 16.

Psalm 8:1 — Every time I read this psalm, I think of Ron Hamilton and his song “How Majestic is Thy Name”:

Proverbs 18:24 — No friends? Be a friend!

Share how reading through the Bible has been a blessing to you! E-mail us at 2018bible@vcyamerica.org or call and leave a message at 414-885-5370.

Daily Encouragement

July 9 – Jonathan’s Fourteen Generations of Faithfulness

1 Chronicles 7:1-8:40
Acts 27:1-20
Psalm 7:1-17
Proverbs 18:22

1 Chronicles 8:33 — We discover another familiar name in the genealogy – Saul, the son of Kish. We find his four sons are led by Jonathan. We see that Jonathan’s line extended fourteen generations and included 150 people. Even though Jonathan’s father had abandoned the faith, Jonathan’s descendants were known as “mighty men of valor” (1 Chronicles 8:40). If each generation was 30 years, 14 generations stretched to 420 years. Going from 1010 BC forward 420 years takes us to 590 BC or roughly the fall of the Southern Kingdom (586 BC). While the Southern Kingdom saw the family line of David fall into despair, Jonathan still had descendants of valor at the end of the Judaean Kingdom.

Acts 27:6 — Why are obscure details like this in the inspired Word of God? Because it is a historic document containing the actual historic record of Paul’s journeys.

Acts 27:11 — This verse gives good insight into free will and persuasion. Debates about free will center on man’s decisional ability. Here we see that this decision was rooted in who the centurion believed more. Even though Paul would be verified (Acts 27:20), and it seemed to be general sailing knowledge (Acts 27:9), Paul’s message was unpersuasive because of the perceived “ethos” of the ship owner. Surely the ship owner had better knowledge of the sea than some renegade tentmaker. Also, the “creature comforts” appealed to the centurion (Acts 27:12). The centurion made a reasonable decision for someone who only considered the “natural” facts. Yet, when one adds the fact that Paul was not a mere tentmaker but the mouthpiece of the Creator of seas, his credibility would surpass that of even the ship’s owner! This issue comes up today – do we go for a respected theological scholar at an Ivy League school who questions the authority of Scripture, or do we go with the Scripture because its author is the Creator of the land those Ivy League schools are built on?

Psalm 7:1 — Speaking of who we believe and trust, the psalmist declares that he has put his trust in the LORD. The psalmist knows he faces immediate danger like Paul (Psalm 7:2), and that only the LORD can deliver him. Yes, salvation is of the LORD (Psalm 7:10)!

Proverbs 18:22 — As I write this note, I’m on my honeymoon with my beautiful bride and thankful for this “good thing;” I have been in need of this “favor of the LORD!” William Jennings Bryan used this verse when he wrote to his soon-to-be wife’s father about the reasons why he should consent to their marriage. Bryan’s father-in-law retorted that Paul said it was good for those that were single to remain single. Bryan retorted that Solomon had been single and married so it was better to take his advice over Paul’s!

Share how reading through the Bible has been a blessing to you! E-mail us at 2018bible@vcyamerica.org or call and leave a message at 414-885-5370.