Numbers 11:24-13:33
Mark 14:22-52
Psalm 52:1-9
Proverbs 11:1-3

Numbers 11:29 — We’re currently in a special time when the LORD has put His Spirit on all His people.
Numbers 12:2 — Moses did not need to justify his authority – God blesses the meek.
Numbers 12:11 — Aaron seems to have learned his lesson from the golden calf.
Numbers 13:2 — Twelve men went to spy on Canaan.
Numbers 13:23 — Caleb saw the land at age 40 (Joshua 14:7), and yet he would not possess it for 45 more years – age 85 (Joshua 14:10). Caleb would ask Joshua, his fellow spy, for the mountain (Joshua 14:12). Interesting contrast to the insurrection of Numbers 12:1 where Aaron and Miriam felt equal to Moses; Caleb who travelled with Joshua and stood with Moses (Numbers 13:30) would voluntarily submit and seek permission from Joshua, his peer. By the way, there’s a song based on this incident – “I Want That Mountain!”
Mark 14:24 — Remember, Jesus is not talking about the blood of the last twenty-seven books of the Bible (the portion of the Bible we often refer to as the New Testament), rather He’s referring to a testament as in the “last will and testament” variety. Hebrews 9:16 tells us, “For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator.”
Mark 14:31 — Many will claim to be willing to die for Jesus, but few will live for Jesus, or even just pray for an hour (vs. 37).
Mark 14:51 — Many scholars think this is a secret reference to the author.
Psalm 52 — We have a clear contrast between the actions, thoughts, methods, desires, preferences, affections, and the end of the “mighty man” compared to the “righteous man.”
Proverbs 11:1 — God cares how we conduct our business.
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