Judges 13:1-14:20
John 1:29-51
Psalm 102:1-28
Proverbs 14:15-16
Judges 13:2 — Exodus 23:26 and Deuteronomy 7:13-14 promise fruitfulness to the people, the land, the crops, even the cattle – if the Israelites obeyed (Deuteronomy 7:12). God can make the barren woman into a joyful mother of children (Psalm 113:9).

Judges 13:8 — Manoah is asking God for advice on child rearing. God sends the angel again to Manoah, and the angel repeats the message. But God had already told him how to raise a Nazarite in Numbers 6:2-21.
Judges 14:9 — Numbers 6:6 warned about dead bodies, but the boy raised by biblically illiterate parents broke his vow and didn’t tell his parents.
John 1:29 — John is the only Gospel writer who records John the Baptist’s declaration of Jesus to be the Lamb of God. Later in Revelation John writes about the Lamb Who was slain (Revelation 5:6) and Who was worthy (Revelation 5:12-13). The Lamb was glorified in Revelation 7:9-10, and the blood of the Lamb was the power to overcome (Revelation 12:11). Throughout Revelation we read about the Lamb that was foreshadowed in the Old Testament.
As the hymn says, “O Lamb of God, I Come:”
Psalm 102:1-11 — Most of us would say this is a needlessly long prayer. Doesn’t God always hear His people? Luke 11:8 uses a great word: “importunity.” Shameless insistence. A “proper prayer” won’t be heard (Luke 18:11), but a shameless prayer from someone humbly entreating the Lord WILL be heard (Psalm 57:15). Daniel’s prayer was held up for 21 days (Daniel 10:13), but Daniel kept praying.
Psalm 102:12-22 — Following 11 verses of begging, we have 11 verses of blessing the LORD. Eternal. Memorable. Merciful. Fearful. Glorious. Builder. Hearer. Praiseworthy. High above the earth. Deliverer. Master.
Proverbs 14:15 — Trust, but verify.
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