2 Samuel 7:1-8:18
John 14:15-31
Psalm 119:33-48
Proverbs 15:33
2 Samuel 7:2-4 — If a prophet is speaking for God, shouldn’t the prophet wait until after God has spoken to him before he says anything?
2 Samuel 7:13 — If the throne is forever, who is seated on the throne right now? From Jimmy DeYoung:
The promise of a house (Temple), Kingdom and throne for a descendant of King David from the Lord is known as the Davidic Covenant. This is a promise that will only fail if the day and the night are no longer in existence, Jeremiah 33:19-21.
For almost 6,000 years, we have had a night followed by a day – God’s promise to David is as true as the next moonlit night or majestic sunrise. The Davidic Covenant will be fulfilled by that member of the linage of King David, the person of Jesus Christ.
The complete fulfillment of the Davidic Covenant is yet future. It will be fulfilled when Jesus Christ returns to the Earth, to the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem to set up His Kingdom by building His Temple on the Temple Mount (Zechariah 6:12-13) in Jerusalem.
2 Samuel 7:18, 22 — David maintains the right perspective. Personal humility – “Who am I … thy servant.” Praise for the LORD “thou art great … there is none like thee.”
2 Samuel 8:4 — ”Houghed” isn’t a word we use much today. From Ellicott’s Commentary for English Readers:
Houghed, i.e., hamstrung, to render them incapable of use in war. (Comp. Joshua 11:6; Joshua 11:9.) This is meant to apply not only to the chariot horses, but to all those of the cavalry. Whether David’s reservation of the number needed for 100 chariots was wrong or not, is not said. David probably felt the need of these horses as a means of more rapid communication with the distant parts of his increasing empire; yet this act may have been the entering wedge for Solomon’s direct violation of Deuteronomy 17:16, by sending to Egypt to “multiply horses to himself.”
John 14:15 — This sounds like a theme of the Bible we have here in the Upper Room Discourse.
Psalm 119:33 — How can we obey? If the LORD teaches us, gives us understanding (Psalm 119:34), makes us follow the path (Psalm 119:35), inclines our heart (Psalm 119:36), turns our eyes (Psalm 119:37), quickens us in the way (Psalm 119:37), stablishes the word (Psalm 119:38), and keeps us from reproach (Psalm 119:39), we can obey.

Psalm 119:40 — Do we have any responsibility? Yes! We must long for the Law (Psalm 119:40), trust in the Word (Psalm 119:42), hope in the judgments (Psalm 119:43), keep the Law continually (Psalm 119:44), seek His precepts (Psalm 119:45), speak of His testimonies (Psalm 119:46), delight in the commandments (Psalm 119:47), and meditate on His statutes (Psalm 119:48)!
Proverbs 15:33 — Solomon saw this proverb demonstrated in David’s life, as we read about today. Humility brings honor.
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