1 Chronicles 1:1-2:17
Acts 23:11-35
Psalm 3:1-8
Proverbs 18:14-15
1 Chronicles 1:1 — Why the genealogy? And who even wrote this? While we’re not sure exactly, many think it was Ezra:
Just as the author of Kings had organized and interpreted the data of Israel’s history to address the needs of the exiled community, so the Chronicler wrote for the restored community. The burning issue was the question of continuity with the past: Is God still interested in us? Are his covenants still in force? Now that we have no Davidic king and are subject to Persia, do God’s promises to David still have meaning for us? After the great judgment (the dethroning of the house of David, the destruction of the nation, of Jerusalem and of the temple, and the exile to Babylon), what is our relationship to Israel of old?
Zondervan NIV Study Bible.
J. Vernon McGee’s ministry has an infographic on the difference between Kings and Chronicles:

1 Chronicles 2:3-4 — Sin has consequences. We have already read about Judah’s family sins including Er (Genesis 38:7) and Tamar (Genesis 38:26). Now we see as we look back on history, they form part of the chain in the record that takes us to David.
1 Chronicles 2:10 — Who was Nahshon the prince? Well, we know he was Boaz’s ancestor. When we look him up in our Bible Search Engine, he was the captain of the children of Judah under Moses (Numbers 2:3). He was the first prince to offer the sacrifice in the tabernacle (Numbers 2:12). There is an ancient tradition that he was the first to cross the Red Sea.
Acts 23:11 — Just like the post-exilic Israelites wondered if the LORD was still with them and needed to be reassured of His care, Paul was reassured of the LORD’s care for him, even though forty had gathered together to kill him.
Acts 23:16 — God used Paul’s nephew to save his life. Instead of 40 men wanting to kill Paul, the Romans send almost 500 soldiers to protect this one man (Acts 23:23).
Psalm 3:3 — Just like Paul, David knew that the LORD was his shield. We too can rejoice in the salvation that comes from the LORD (Psalm 3:8).
Proverbs 18:15 — Congratulations to you! You are getting knowledge and seeking knowledge found in the Word of God! You are prudent and wise!
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