2 Chronicles 30:1-31:21
Romans 15:1-22
Psalm 25:1-15
Proverbs 20:13-15
2 Chronicles 30:5 — What does it mean from “Beersheba to Dan?” In America we would say “from the Atlantic to the Pacific.” Basically, this is the whole length of the kingdom.

Yes, even those who had been violating the Second Commandment by using graven images in the worship of the LORD are now invited to return to keep the Passover. Hezekiah is preaching to those who survived the Assyrian Captivity of 722 BC; the captivity effectively ended the Northern Kingdom (2 Chronicles 30:6). What is his message?
- Return to the place God said to be (2 Chronicles 30:1, 2 Chronicles 30:5)
- Repent of sinning against God (2 Chronicles 30:6-8)
- Receive His mercy (2 Chronicles 30:8-9)
2 Chronicles 30:9 — Hezekiah was inspired by God (for the words are preserved by God) to offer a promise of release to the captives if they would repent. But the majority in Israel “laughed them to scorn and mocked them” (2 Chronicles 30:10). The people were willing to suffer the indignity of captivity rather than repent! The religious leaders were willing to suffer eternal torment (Luke 16:24) rather than repent (Luke 16:31). God’s mercy is available, but few there be who partake of it (2 Chronicles 30:11).
2 Chronicles 30:18 — Notice the sense of urgency within Hezekiah:
- First year, first month – repaired the house of the LORD (2 Chronicles 29:3) … if we read 2 Chronicles 29:17 correctly – this was the first day of his reign!
- In just 16 days the temple was cleansed and sanctified (2 Chronicles 29:17)
- As soon as it was ready, Hezekiah rose early to sacrifice (2 Chronicles 29:20) … Hezekiah didn’t wait until he had “enough priests” (2 Chronicles 29:34)
- Still in the first month he launched a nationwide evangelistic campaign (2 Chronicles 30:1)
- Less than 30 days later, they held the greatest Passover in memory (2 Chronicles 30:26) … Hezekiah didn’t wait until next year (11 months later) to have Passover as the Law required (Leviticus 23:5)
- Hezekiah knew the people weren’t ready so he grabbed the Levites who were (2 Chronicles 30:17) and prayed to God for permission (2 Chronicles 30:20) … Hezekiah didn’t wait until the people were cleansed (2 Chronicles 30:18)
What was the cause for this urgency? 2 Chronicles 30:9 tells of the Assyrian destruction of the Northern Kingdom. The captives were gone and in danger of being assimilated into the pagan society. Hezekiah wanted his kinfolk to return, not just to the land of Israel but to the Lord of Israel. Also, Hezekiah likely realized his weakened military position (he could not defend against an Assyrian attack, but God could!). So, he needed to make sure the land was right with God.
Hezekiah had a sense of urgency and a whole-hearted commitment (2 Chronicles 30:21). God said it was good and right and truth (2 Chronicles 30:20).
Romans 15:1 — How are Christians supposed to act toward each other?
- Helping the weak (Romans 15:1)
- Edifying our neighbor (Romans 15:2)
- Pleasing one another (Romans 15:3)
- Patient and Consoling with each other (Romans 15:5)
- Receiving one another (Romans 15:7)
- Counseling one another (Romans 15:14)
Jay Adams talks about this verse as the key authority for biblical counseling:
Whenever the process of sanctification slows down (or halts) in a Christian’s life, and he is not able to rectify that situation (for whatever reason), he needs the help of other believers who can direct him to God’s answers to his problems and how to bring about a change that honors Him. Counseling is not a great thing — in itself — but becomes necessary whenever such rescuing of a brother or sister is called for.
Jay Adams is the popularizer of Biblical Counseling, also called “nouthetic counseling:”
The word “nouthetic” comes from the Greek word “noutheteō.” The word, which is primarily used by Paul in the New Testament, is translated into English as “admonish,” “correct,” or “instruct.” This is the word that occurs in Romans 15:14.
Psalm 27:5 — In spite of the vast wasteland that has migrated from the television to YouTube, you can memorize Scripture to music found on YouTube. Here’s an example from Musical Memory Verses:
Proverbs 20:14 — Much wisdom in negotiation technique is contained in just 19 words. Learn and be wise!
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