Exodus 29:1-30:10
Matthew 26:14-46
Psalm 31:19-24
Proverbs 8:14-26
Exodus 29:12 — Blood is found 363 times in the Old Testament. We’ll read about blood sacrifices quite regularly. Hebrews 9:22 tells us “without shedding of blood is no remission.”
Exodus 30:9 — In a few days, we’ll see how seriously God took a violation of this command (Leviticus 10:1).
Matthew 26:14 — Who is Judas? Chafer Theological Seminary published a helpful overview of the life of Judas Iscariot. By the way, a good friend of mine did an interview with the new president of Chafer – keep our seminaries and Bible colleges in prayer. Pray that they hold faithful to the Word of God!

Matthew 26:28 — As you read through this passage, feel free to underline this verse. Jesus’ blood was shed for the remission of our sins.
Psalm 31:24 — Sixteen times in the Old Testament we see “good courage.” What are the conditions? Hope in the Lord (Psalm 31:24), wait on the Lord (Psalm 27:14), finish all the work for the Lord (1 Chronicles 28:20), and fulfill the statutes of the LORD (1 Chronicles 22:13).
Proverbs 8:22 — From John MacArthur: “As long as there has been God, there has been wisdom.” While Jehovah’s Witnesses claim this refers to Jesus, Stand to Reason shows why this doesn’t refer to Jesus but a personification of wisdom.
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