Daily Encouragement

January 13 – The Sixth “Thou Shalt Not”

Genesis 28:1-29:35
Matthew 9:18-38
Psalm 11:1-7
Proverbs 3:11-12

Genesis 28:1 is the sixth “Thou Shalt Not” of the Bible. Even though Jacob had deceived his father horribly, his father blessed him again and charges him to stay separate from unbelievers. By the way, if your first two wives don’t please your parents, the answer is not to do what Esau did in Genesis 28:8-9!

Genesis 28:19Bethel is the same place where the Lord appeared unto Abraham (Genesis 12:8).

Matthew 9:28 — The blind men who heard about Jesus had more faith than the disciples who lived with Jesus!

Matthew 9:38 — Is God calling you to be a laborer in His harvest?

Psalm 11:4 is an amazing combination of the transcendence of God and the immanence of God. He is high above us, yet His eyes behold us.

Proverbs 3:12 — What does faith look like? In yesterday’s devotional, it was giving when you don’t know how much you will get. Today, it’s accepting when you don’t want to receive. Later in Proverbs 13:1 and 15:5, Solomon tells us that our response is a sign of what type of person we are – wise and prudent or a scorning fool.

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